Who wants to move to Brazil?

Fisher's Mom

Mother Superior
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Brazil official urges more sex for better health

Published - Apr 26 2010 12:57PM CST
RIO DE JANEIRO— Brazil's health minister has a remedy for the nation's high-blood- pressure problem: More sex.
Minister Jose Temporao says adults should be exercising more to help keep their blood pressure down _ and he says a good cardiovascular workout includes sex, "always with protection, obviously."
Temporao also recommends dancing, a healthy diet and regular blood-pressure checks.
The minister made the comments Monday while launching a national campaign against high blood pressure in the Brazilian capital of Brasilia.
The Health Ministry says that 21.5 percent of Brazilians had high blood pressure in 2006. That jumped to 24.4 percent in 2009.



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I would love to go to Rio especially for Carnival festivities! I'm in. :thumb: :D

Have you ever been there Buzz? You seem like a world traveler who has been around .... :tiphat: :D


Gold Site Supporter
I've never been to Rio, Doc. I avoided South America in favor of the Orient, SE Asia, and Europe.


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I've never been to Rio, Doc. I avoided South America in favor of the Orient, SE Asia, and Europe.
Same here Buzz. So it will be both of our first time. :D

I did sail through the Panama Canal twice. Going from the Atlantic to the Pacific was awesome. Beautiful sunny day. I got to fly over on the helo to the base for a short visit with a buddy from 'A' school. And then when we got through the canal and cruised out to the Pacific there was a noticeable difference in the water. The color was more blue and it seemed bigger and more powerful. The waves were something else. Still not sure if it was our brains playing tricks on us.
On the way back through 9 months later we just wanted to get home. I had mid-watch the night before and I slept through that trip through the canal.


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Only if you want it to. :yum: :yum:

(if dinner and dancing are involved then it counts for sure! :yum: :hide2:)


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Ah, take my word for it every man should go at least once in his life. It very hard to resist the cardiovascular work out also with the natives. Damn they would make a saint give up his vows. :whistling: