My Mom started me when I was a teen, easy stuff, like scrambled eggs, French Toast, Hamburger Helper, etc.
When I was about 19, I realized that I would shortly be out on my own, and that I couldn't afford to eat out all the time, so I would have to learn to cook. I bought a couple cookbooks, started reading, and started cooking.
When I did move out, I was lucky enough to have one of my g'mothers as a room-mate. She would tell me how to do things, didn't want her to actually cook. My Mom told me that she only knew how to cook three things, coffee, beans, and toast, and she burned all three because that's how she liked them.
I quickly took off cooking. 8 months after leaving the nest, I made Thanksgiving dinner, and invited my parents over to my humble apartment.
As the years passed, I got different cookbooks, and studied. After several years, I realized I had a talent for it, so.....
Off to culinary school I went. I've been working in "real" restaurants for about 15 years now.