

Resident Curmudgeon
Gold Site Supporter
We're here, just kind of busy.

We have @100 folks coming tomorrow evening for a Christmas Party. Lots of preparation and cooking today.



Staff member
Gold Site Supporter
I wish I knew. I thought somebody was having a party and we weren't invited. Now we know who. It's JIM!!!!!! :yum:

Hope your party goes well Jim. Tip an eggnog or two for me. :D


Resident Curmudgeon
Gold Site Supporter
I wish I knew. I thought somebody was having a party and we weren't invited. Now we know who. It's JIM!!!!!! :yum:

Hope your party goes well Jim. Tip an eggnog or two for me. :D

Come on over, we will have plenty of food!

King Ranch Chicken, Chili Colorado, barbeque, Shrimp Creole, and ham.


Staff member
Gold Site Supporter
ummmm. Sure sounds good. Wish we were not 6+ hours away.


Staff member
Gold Site Supporter
I've never tried the NewCastle Brown Ale but I bet it would taste pretty darn good. :beer: :D

I've never had Haggis and don't have an incling to try it. :hide:


Staff member
Gold Site Supporter
Yer probably right.

How do you cook yours?

Here is a recipe you might want to try:

HAGGIS ROYAL [From the Minutes of Sederun of the Cleikum Club]

Ingredients: Mutton, suet, beef-marrow, bread-crumbs or oatmeal,
anchovies, parsley, lemon, pepper, cayenne, eggs, red wine. [The
anchovies and cayenne are, no doubt, optional]

Three pounds of leg of mutton chopped, a pound of suet chopped, a
little, or rather as much beef-marrow as you can spare, the crumb
of a penny loaf (our own nutty-flavoured browned oatmeal, by the
way, far better)[I'd say 1 to 1 1/2 cups of crumbs or toasted
oatmeal], the beat yolks of four eggs, a half-pint of red wine,
three mellow fresh anchovies boned, minced parsley, lemon grate
(grated peel), white pepper, crystals of cayenne to taste -
crystals alone ensure a perfect diffusion of the flavour - blend
the ingredients well, truss them neatly in a veal caul [stomach],
bake in a deep dish, in a quick oven, and turn out. [I'd suggest
375F for 1/2 hour, then turn down to 350F till done] Serve hot as
fire, with brown gravy, and venison sauce.


The hell is everybody?????????:bounce::bounce:
I'm right here buddy - chill.

I would come here more often if we had a "Mens Locker Room" forum :whistling: just kidding.... lol.... :chef:

I spose I should share my secret "Ham brine recipe" I did this weekend with everyone soon - it rocked. :chef:


New member
The hell is everybody?????????:bounce::bounce:
I Don't know about others, but I've been maxed out. I'm trying to get a bedroom finished in the basement before Wed, and with Christmas on us, my time for the forums is almost zero.....for now. I peek in, but don't always log in.

Buy the way everyone, have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS! :)

Please remember the real reason for our Christmas season.
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The Tourist

I Don't know about others, but I've been maxed out.

I'm feeling the pinch, myself.

I have an early morning job at an eye clinic this morning, on the first day my wife goes back to work after surgery, on a day when it snowed and the roads aren't plowed yet, on a garbage day when those big plastic cans litter every driveway and blow into the street, and when last minute shoppers have turned every plowed street into an adult version of "bumper cars."

I've had to cancel the job once already. They wanted me there originally on the exact day of my wife's surgery.

I hate the holidays. I was thinking about finding a big bowl of figgie pudding and just drowning the whole lot...