What I missed on NCT


The pictures of meals kick but. Sometimes you are good enough when a good communicator explains a dish to be able to almost taste of what they speak. Then it becomes simple when you post a pic of your meal and it makes communications so much easier. I have missed this place.
Hi Lefty - It's darn good to see you. I think of you often and especially when I read something about the bath shipworks.
Hi Sass, welcome back!

I hope you, too, will stick around for awhile, too!

Thanks Lee and Peeps.
Sorry Lefty, didn't mean to jump in your thread, but figured given the title, it was the place to go. ;)
It's like a two-fer of the best kind.
Welcome back Sassy and Lefty!!!!! We've missed you both. :flowers:
glad both of yinz have returned!

lefty, i'm glad you appreciate food pix. i hear 'ya.

There is a gawker site for food I absolutely love. Their claim to fame is the step by step pictures of recipes. I like that members here take pics of their dishes. I guess I am a visual foodie.
WOW, I've not been here for a few days, and it's like new life has been breathed into NCT. Good to see y'all back, it's been kinda quiet here for awhile.
Wow! It seems that I am not alone as far as coming back! Life is odd. What are the chances that 3 folks that havent been around in ages are coming back at the same time!!?? :circle:
Wow! It seems that I am not alone as far as coming back! Life is odd. What are the chances that 3 folks that havent been around in ages are coming back at the same time!!?? :circle:
All I can say is very often good things comes in threes. :clap: :clap: :clap:

Sure makes me smile. I am tickled pink to have all three of you back and actively posting. :biggrin:

For anyone who didn't know .... Sushi was the prime instigator for Net Cooking Talk. I was looking for a forum theme and he suggested cooking. As all of you know, I am not a cook but I love food. With Sushi's help we made Net Cooking Talk a reality. Now it takes all you good folks to keep it going as forums are only good with members who post, otherwise they are just another dead end on the internet.
Yay for Sushi! :D
He's the one really responsible for me joining this forum in the first place.

Thank you again, Doc for allowing me to change my mind.
You rock.