What do you know about heart murmurs?


New member
Yesterday was not a great day. 6th anniversary of my SIL's death, and during a routine check-up, legogirls Dr. hears a heart murmur.... we have to see a pediatric cardiologist to look further in a couple weeks. Happy Holidays huh?

She went over the different kinds and explained it could be nothing.... but until then do I make myself a nervous wreck?

Oh, and send good juju that it's nothing if you would.....
Oh, Suzie, I am so sorry. You must be scared to death! When is your appointment? (I hope it's soon so you won't have to worry for weeks.)

I really don't know much about heart murmurs except that they are common in children. My brother had one as a kid and my son had one as a young child. We had to go to the cardiologist, too, with my boy but it turned out to be "functional" - and 20+ years later he has never had a problem with his heart. But I can tell you at the time, I was terrified!!! Hugs to you, hon.
Hi Suzi - My ex has a heart murmer and it has not shortened or ipacted her life so far.

Also I just finished a cardiogram for "It could be nothing" and it really was nothing.

Can't tell the future, butt JuJu is on it's way and stay calm. Time to react if necessary is later. Being a nervous wreck will be something she will detect.

I've had one since forever, and I am 48 now.
Darn thing got me drummed out of the military before I even got to Boot Camp..
but otherwise, it does not impact my life at all.

I would recommend that you NOT spend time researching them on the internet, because you will find more Doom and Gloom than Sunny Day information. Just sit tight until your next doctor visit, and make a list of questions you want answered.

Big hugs all around!
Suzi, I have a heart murmur that is related to MVP.
Hasn't affected me at all. It's just that for a little while back in my 20s, the ticker was marching to it's own drummer and I didn't even know it!

Betcha Legogirl is joining the ranks of many who have functional murmurs.
I can understand you feeling concerned, however.
Hugs to you and the little cutie!
A doctor mentioned that about my son when he was 5 or so. He's 24 now and has never been more seriously ill than the common cold. I never gave it another thought. Nor should you.
Thanks :)
I'm glad to hear so many first hand "it's nothing"'s.... and further bolstering my decision NOT to mention it to my mother until there is something to mention. :D
My youngest brother had it as a young child, and is 56 today. Very common from what I understand. Good juju to you and Legogirl.
I've had one since forever, and I am 48 now.
Darn thing got me drummed out of the military before I even got to Boot Camp..
but otherwise, it does not impact my life at all.

I would recommend that you NOT spend time researching them on the internet, because you will find more Doom and Gloom than Sunny Day information. Just sit tight until your next doctor visit, and make a list of questions you want answered.

Big hugs all around!

I agree with Kimchee - I've had one all my life. Listen to your Dr not the internet. The majority of murmurs are benign and not life threatening...just annoying. Most don't even feel it. (((Hugs))) :flowers:
We will be sure to send some good juju your way Suzi! I know according to our Pediatrician it is not that uncommon in children, and often either never effects them or even goes away as they get older.
Apparently the reverse is true as well. My Dr. found a heart murmur in me, but told me that it was not uncommon for it to develop in adults as they age and usually does not pose any problem.
Friend of mine had a hole in her heart as a young girl but when I knew her 20 years ago, she seemed fine, played a lot of basketball and ate jars of mayo as a snack. She is still alive last I heard having produced a couple of kids. She gave up mayo as a snack after eating the entire jar one night and making herself ill. There is justice at least.

A few years ago, I had a clot that hung from my right shoulder all the way into my right atrium, passing thru the tri-cuspid valve and into the ventricle. (Or was it the ventricle into the atrium??? Biology not my strong suit.) Anyway, after they eventually dissolved the clot, the tricuspid valve was unable to fully close again. So I have a "flutter" in my heart that nobody seems overly interested in. The most concerning thing to me about it is, when a new (to me) doctor listens to my heart and then doesn't comment on it! I point it out and either they hadn't heard it (!!!!) or heard it and didn't bother to ask any questions about it! Not sure which is worse!

Hopefully by the time you read this, it is all resolved in a good way.
Thanks Bilby.
Actually just yesterday afternoon we got her scheduled to see the cardiologist Dec 23rd.... Merry Christmas? So, we just wait and see now.
Sounds like they are treating it as low level then. I wish you as stress-less a wait as is possible Suzi.

If you start to stress about it though, go back to your normal doctor to discuss. He/she should be able to put some of your worries behind you.

Thinking of you.
:D thanks...

her murmur is benign and will probably go away but the time she's 16...

so now I can go back to thinking she's a pain in the butt.... guilt free!!!

thanks you guys are the best :)
nope.... dont need to at all unless she gets noticeably tired or different somehow. he was quite confident though that we'd never see him again. :)