Trivia 8/25


Grill Master
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Trivia 8/25


Australia has over 10,000 beaches. You could visit a new beach every day for over 27 years!

1. Will Smith was born in what city ?

2. Which ketchup claims to be the "Slowest" ?

3. he uppermost region of the Sun is called the?

a. - Photosphere

b. - Ionosphere

c. - Chromosphere

d. - Corona

4. What popular snack itemincludes a major ingredient that is made from animal skin and bones?

5. In the Video Game world, Diddy, Dixie, and Cranky all share what common last name?

6. In Roman Catholicism, what does it mean when the Pope is speaking "ex cathedra"?

7. In which musical can I find a song is called "How Are Things in Glocca Morra?"

a. - The Irish Washer Woman

b. - Brigadoon

c. - Finian's Rainbow

d. - The Pirates of Penzance

8. Elliptical can simply mean "shaped like an ellipse." Sometimes it also has which other meaning?


According to the editors of the Oxford English Dictionary, "Log" has the most definitions, at a staggering 645 .





















1. Philadelphia

2. Hienz

3. - d

4. Jello

5. Kong

6. He's representing the entire church

7. - c

8. Using few words


That distinction goes to "Run" !

There isn't space of course to give all the definitions here, but here are just a few of the everyday uses of the word run: Run for office; run a bath, have a run in your stockings; go for a run; run your computer; run out of milk; run amok; score a run; run a red light; run at 11% inflation; run a car; set off at a run; have a practice run; do a production run; have a run of suits; have a run on the horses; go on a ski-run, do a run-down, have a Guinea pig run; run a tab; see a paint run and have the run(s).

Unfortunately you can't find all 645 definitions just yet in print; they will come out in the 3rd edition of the Oxford English Dictionary when it is reprinted in 2037. According to the Readers Digest, it took a lexicographer nine months of research for all the definitions and examples for the "run"



Well-known member
Zero as usual. But I knew the truth or crap question. It was here not very long ago. Probably last week.
For q6 I thought ex cathedra meant that the Pope spoke sitting in a chair, not standing. lol.