Trivia 8/24


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Trivia 8/24


If you were to lay out all of the arteries, capillaries and veins in one adult, end-to-end, they would stretch about 60,000 miles (100,000 kilometers). What's more, the capillaries, which are the smallest of the blood vessels, would make up about 80 percent of this length.

1. According to the 2020 Census, which of the Fifty has the highest percentage of citizens 65 or older ?

a. - Maine

b. - Florida

c. - West Virginia

d. - Vermont.

2. which of the Fifty was the site of the 1970's proposition 13 tax revolt?

3. what is the favorite animal of arctophiles?

4. who was the famous wife of the biblical ahab?

5. when he wasn't chasing criminals, what was the occupation of the green hornet?

6. what was the life-expectancy of a baby born in america in the year 1900?

a. - 42

b. - 47

c. - 52

d. - 57

7. three of the following foods have about 350 calories. which one has only about 160?

a. a chocolate shake (10 oz)

b. a bagel with 1 1/2 oz cream cheese

c. 1 slice lemon meringue pie (1/8 of the pie)

d. 1 cup mashed potatoes

8. which of the original thirteen states was the last to ratify the u.s.


a. - Georgia

b. - Maryland

c. - Connecticut

d. - Rhode Island


If you start at Punta Arenas, Chile, and head due east, the next world city you will pass through is Punta Arenas, Chile..




















1. - a


3. teddy bears

4. jezebel

5. newspaper editor

6. - b

7. - d

8. - d


Often wrongly regarded as the southernmost city in the world, if you head due east from Punta Arenas, you will cross a whole lot of water and a few islands, but you will not pass through any cities.

You'll circle the Globe and , there you are ; Punta Arenas, Chile.


Well-known member
I knew q8.
Of q3, I deduced an answer thus: Arcto, and animal - polar bear, phile - one who loves or collects. So I thought it was someone who loves or studies polar bears. I just missed the "teddy" part only. I deserve half a point there. :D