Trivia 7/22


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Trivia 7/22


La Paz is the administrative capital of Bolivia, but Sucre is the constitutional capital.

1. Who was the only President in the 20th Century to receive a Purple Heart?

a. - JFK

b. - George H.W. Bush

c. - Teddy Roosevelt

d. - Eisenhower

2. Remember "Fun With Dick & Jane" ? What was the younger sister's name ?

3. Leading figurehead in pop art, Andy Warhol, once said it'd be great to return to life as a huge ring on this lady's hand. Whose finger was he talking about?

4. Who Sang That ?

"Hooked on a Feeling"

5. Three out of these four common wildflowers are yellow. Which one comes in a different primary colour?

a. - buttercup

b. - dandelion

c. - goldenrod

d. - cornflower

6. At what stage of its life cycle is a butterfly after it hatches from its egg?

7. Fill in the Blank ;

The Lobo tune , "Me and You and a Dog named ____"

8. What U.S. city served as the capital of the United States from 1790 until 1800?


The seventh Biblical plague is the plague of hail.























1. - a

2. Sally

3. Liz Taylor

4. B.J. Thomas

5. - d

6. Caterpillar

7. Boo

8. Philadelphia


Exodus 9:13-35 Moses stretched his rod towards heaven, and then the Lord sent hail and thunder. And it rained hail in all of Egypt - except in Goshen where the Israelites lived, it did not rain hail.