Grill Master
Trivia 2/12
In 1894, Russian scientist Marie Mikhaïlovna de Manacééne conducted one of the earliest experiments on extreme sleep deprivation. She found that when she deprived puppies of sleep, they all died within four or five days, despite every effort to keep them alive. The younger the puppy, the more quickly it died.
1. What is the name of the group of revolutionaries led by Pol Pot?
2. What does the Arctic Circle mark?
a. - Southern limit of sun directly overhead
b. - Northerly limit of no sun at mid-winter
c. - Southerly limit of no sun at mid-winter
d. - Northern limit of sun directly overhead
3. There are six different tenses in Latin. Which of these are NOT Latin tenses?
a. - Pluperfect and future perfect
b. - Present and future
c. - Present continuous and past continuous
d. - Perfect and imperfect
4. Robert Plant, The Four Tops, Johnny Hallyday and Bob Seger have all charted with which track, written by Tim Hardin?
a. - Highway in the Wind
b. - You Never Wanted Me
c. - The Way Love Used to Be
d. - If I Were a Carpenter
5. Bertolt Brecht's play "Saint Joan of the Stockyards" is a nod to Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle". What was "The Jungle" about?
6. Which Mexican city borders the US city of San Diego?
7. Which country takes its name from a Spanish legend that there was a mountain of silver in South America?
8. Which queen of Israel and/or Judah was thrown out a palace window and had her body torn apart by dogs in the street?
The tomb of Tutankhamen was found completely intact, the only tomb so far to be found in that condition.
1. Khmer Rouge
2. - c
3. - c
4. - d
5. Chicago meatpacking industry
6. Tijuana
7. Argentina
8. Jezebel
Although Tutankhamen's tomb was found largely intact, it had been robbed at least twice during antiquity. Fortunately, the tomb robbers never made it past the antechamber. Ramses II's tomb was thoroughly looted. Cleopatra VII's tomb has never been found. But the tomb of the 21st Dynasty pharaoh Psusennes I was found perfectly intact by by French archaeologist Pierre Montet in 1939. Because he was buried in a solid silver sarcophagus, Psusennes is sometimes referred to as the "silver pharaoh."
In 1894, Russian scientist Marie Mikhaïlovna de Manacééne conducted one of the earliest experiments on extreme sleep deprivation. She found that when she deprived puppies of sleep, they all died within four or five days, despite every effort to keep them alive. The younger the puppy, the more quickly it died.
1. What is the name of the group of revolutionaries led by Pol Pot?
2. What does the Arctic Circle mark?
a. - Southern limit of sun directly overhead
b. - Northerly limit of no sun at mid-winter
c. - Southerly limit of no sun at mid-winter
d. - Northern limit of sun directly overhead
3. There are six different tenses in Latin. Which of these are NOT Latin tenses?
a. - Pluperfect and future perfect
b. - Present and future
c. - Present continuous and past continuous
d. - Perfect and imperfect
4. Robert Plant, The Four Tops, Johnny Hallyday and Bob Seger have all charted with which track, written by Tim Hardin?
a. - Highway in the Wind
b. - You Never Wanted Me
c. - The Way Love Used to Be
d. - If I Were a Carpenter
5. Bertolt Brecht's play "Saint Joan of the Stockyards" is a nod to Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle". What was "The Jungle" about?
6. Which Mexican city borders the US city of San Diego?
7. Which country takes its name from a Spanish legend that there was a mountain of silver in South America?
8. Which queen of Israel and/or Judah was thrown out a palace window and had her body torn apart by dogs in the street?
The tomb of Tutankhamen was found completely intact, the only tomb so far to be found in that condition.
1. Khmer Rouge
2. - c
3. - c
4. - d
5. Chicago meatpacking industry
6. Tijuana
7. Argentina
8. Jezebel
Although Tutankhamen's tomb was found largely intact, it had been robbed at least twice during antiquity. Fortunately, the tomb robbers never made it past the antechamber. Ramses II's tomb was thoroughly looted. Cleopatra VII's tomb has never been found. But the tomb of the 21st Dynasty pharaoh Psusennes I was found perfectly intact by by French archaeologist Pierre Montet in 1939. Because he was buried in a solid silver sarcophagus, Psusennes is sometimes referred to as the "silver pharaoh."