Thanksgiving spread photos


Grill Master
Staff member
NCT Patron
Try to remember to take pictures of your Thanksgiving feasts, and post the photos either in this thread or one of your own, over the next day or two.

My family members serve ourselves from the pots on the stove and from stuff on the kitchen table, so my pictures won't be of family-style bowls on the dining room table. But I'll have a couple of nice photos to post anyway.

Bon appetit!

Well heres a start. A bit backwards. LOL

Happy Thanksgiving America!!

I'm ready for my close up Mr. DeMille!! :lol:

Dessert the Uncut edition:

Apple Pie (granny smith apples, raisins, walnuts, zest & juice of lemon, cinnamon, nutmeg, made with Ideal white & brown sugar substitute)


Pumpkin Pie


Apple crisp (apple pie filling topped with uncooked rolled oats, nutmeg, cinnamon, Ideal brown sugar sub & 2 pats of butter). A treat instead of attacking the pies until the proper time!!

Looks delish so far Peeps!! What great color on your pumpkin pie!!

Have an AWESOME Thanksgiving everyone!!! May you have plenty of goodies on your plate and loved ones to do the dishes!!! :D
Looks delish so far Peeps!! What great color on your pumpkin pie!!

Have an AWESOME Thanksgiving everyone!!! May you have plenty of goodies on your plate and loved ones to do the dishes!!! :D
Thank you Dee and may you and yours have a happy and safe day!
I think my photos will consist mostly of beverages being consumed. :D I'll try to snap a few food shots too...
The wrapper said an unstuffed turkey should take 4 1/2 - 5 hours BUT I used convection roast and it was done in 3 hours.

Unstuffed turkey with herb butter (chopped fresh thyme & sage, salt and pepper & sprigs of fresh rosemary under the skin and rubbed on the outside of the skin with the herb butter, salt & ground peppercorns). Cavity is stuffed with sprigs of fresh rosemary, thyme & sage.

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I spent all day smoking a turkey.


Then we went to a friend's house for dinner where DW and I brought the turkey, one of two there, a salad, and smoked salmon.


Thanksgiving Dinner

Cream cheese, green olive & walnut poppers


Cranberry, tangerine & pecan relish (made with Ideal white & brown sugar sub)


Carved Turkey


Dinner is served - Turkey, cold fresh string bean salad (sliced garlic, lemon juice, EVOO, sea salt & ground peppercorns), mashed acorn squash & sweet potato (Ideal brown sugar sub, sugar free maple syrup, cinnamon & butter), dressing/stuffing, mashed red & Yukon potatoes (butter, sour cream & fresh chives), sautéed mushrooms, buttered steamed Brussels sprouts, turkey gravy, cranberry, tangerine & pecan relish & olive poppers.

I don't know why we even bother to make all this food. By the time everyone got through with the Texas Caviar, veggie tray, chips-n-dip, Brie & crackers with fig preserves and assorted other appetizers, there was barely room for dinner. But I made them eat anyway. Turkey, sweet taters w/marshmallows, mashed taters, bean soup (brought by the vegan sister-in-law to make sure she had something to eat), cornbread dressing with giblets, green bean casserole (we call 'em company beans), homemade rolls, stuffed celery, olives, and cranberries with mandarin oranges and pineapple. Thankfully, everyone brought something to contribute, but it's still a huge job. Oh, dessert was pumpkin pie, apple pie and Slovenian Potica.



JoeV in his glory, cooking for others. (the wife's camera had a big old finger print on the lens)


JoeV (right) with his twin, MattV. Two guys just looking for their next free meal.

Thanks so much for posting these yummy pics!

Peeps, you must be exhausted - that plate could win a photo contest. Everything on it looks delicious!

That turkey looks SO moist, Bam - and i would love a bite of those sweet potatoes.

LS - that apple crumb-topped pie looks magnificent. So buttery!

Vera, your table is beautiful, and I love your antipasti plate!

Joe, you and your bro make a handsome pair! Perfect Thanksgiving spread!

Buzz, your turkey looks like perfection, and what a nice Thanksgiving table your friends set up!

There is a turkey in my immediate future - I can't stand it! There were 11 good friends/family at our Thanksgiving table this year (ate on the back patio), and we had a lovely, lovely time. Here's a picture of our dinner spread - I didn't get pictures of the appetizers or pies. But there weren't many leftovers, and out of 50 tamales, there were only two left! No leftovers!:sad:

But we do have some soup left (cream of poblano/shrimp/corn), and cheese spread and marinated veggies to snack on...besides, tomorrow is our chili cookoff, so we'll have plenty of yummy food tomorrow.

Happy Thanksgiving to all - thanks for sharing your beautiful celebrations with the rest of us!


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Karen, that is magnificent ;)
Beautiful food in beautiful vessels.
Those tamales and soup are the first things that caught my eye.
The asparagus is just about the thickest spears I think I have ever seen!
It looks as though everyone had a wonderful feast!

I forgot to remove the foil from the top of the mashed potatoes before taking the pics but here is our Thanksgiving:


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I just posted this in the wrong thread, so here it is again :smile:


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Thanks Bam! I soaked 4 layers of cheesecloth in a stick of butter (melted) with 2 cans of chicken broth. Layed it over the breast and the tops of the legs of the turkey and then basted it every 30 minutes until the last hour or so of baking then removed the cheesecloth and finished baking still basting every 30 minutes. The meat was extremely moist and tender.
Wonderful dinners everyone. Everything looks incredible!

We had a blast, and way too much food, but I peddled off a lot of leftovers to our guests.

We had lots of kids running about, and it was surprisingly pleasant and rather enjoyable.

Our grandson Michael is staying with us for a few days, he’s 5 years old. For some reason, and I’m trying to work with him on this, he doesn’t pronounce S words properly, he just drops the S off and proceeds with the next letter, so School becomes cool (ironic cause school is cool, LOL).

Anyway, he asked me earlier if he could go outside and play with his “bike”. Well, it’s not a bike, it’s one of those scooter board things with 2 wheels and a handle bar that you stand on and push yourself around with the other foot.

I told him it’s not a bike, it’s a scooter.

He says, “Ok, can I go outside and play with my cooter?”

:w00t: :doh: :doh: :pat:

Uh, Michael, it’s a bike.


Just call it a bike Michael.


Thanks Bam! I soaked 4 layers of cheesecloth in a stick of butter (melted) with 2 cans of chicken broth. Layed it over the breast and the tops of the legs of the turkey and then basted it every 30 minutes until the last hour or so of baking then removed the cheesecloth and finished baking still basting every 30 minutes. The meat was extremely moist and tender.

I'm going to try that method. Flipping through the channels, recently, saw Martha doing something similar; but didn't catch the whole demo. Thanks for sharing.