Sunday Special - (On a Monday!) Million-Dollar Questions


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Sunday Special - Million-Dollar Questions

Can you answer these Million-Dollar questions from "Who wants to be a Millionaire ?"

1. In the children's book series, where is Paddington Bear originally from ?

a. - India

b. - Peru

c. - Canada

d. - Wales

2. What letter must appear at the beginning of the registration number of all non-military aircraft in the U.S.?

a. - N

b. - A

c. - U

d. - L

3. Who delivered the less famous two-hour speech that preceded Abraham Lincoln's two-minute Gettysburg Address?

a. - Wendell Phillips

b. - Daniel Webster

c. - Robert G. Ingersoll

d. - Edward Everett

4. "Nephelococcygia" is the practice of doing what?

a. - Finding shapes in the clouds

b. - Sleeping with your eyes open

c. - Breaking glass with your voice

d. - Swimming in freezing water

5. Which insect shorted out an early supercomputer and inspired the term "computer bug"?

a. - Moth

b. - Roach

c. - Ladybug

d. - Silverfish

6. Which of the following men does not have a chemical element named for him?

a. - Einstein

b. - Bohr

c. - Newton

d. - Fermi

7. Which of these ships was not one of the three taken over by colonists during the Boston Tea Party?

a. - Eleanor

b. - Dartmouth

c. - Beaver

d. - William

8. Now used to refer to a cat, the word "tabby" is derived from the name of

a district of what world capital?

a. - Baghdad

b. - New Delhi

c. - Cairo

d. - Moscow

9. Which First Lady was a ninth-generation descendant of Pocahontas?

a. - Helen Taft

b. - Edith Wilson

c. - Bess Truman

d. - Mamie Eisenhower

10. For ordering his favorite beverages on demand, LBJ had four buttons installed in the Oval Office labeled "coffee," "tea," "Coke," and what?

a. - Fresca

b. - V8

c. - Yoo Hoo

d. - A&W

11. Khrushchev's famous 1960 "shoe-banging" outburst at the U.N. was in response to a delegate from what nation?

a. - Australia

b. - The Netherlands

c. - The Philippines

d. - Turkey

12. The most-watched TV episode of all time, the final episode of M*A*S*H aired at 8:30 p.m. on February 28, 1983, following what sitcom?

a. - Private Benjamin

b. - Square Pegs

c. - Alice

d. - Newhart

13. Which of the following landlocked countries is entirely contained within

another country?

a. - Lesotho

b. - Burkina Faso

c. - Belarus

d. - Luxembourg

14. Who did artist Grant Wood use as the model for the farmer in his classic painting "American Gothic"?

a. - Local Pharmacist

b. - Local Sheriff

c. - His Dentist

d. - His Butcher

15. Which of these U.S. presidents appeared on the television series


a. - LBJ

b. - Nixon

c. - Jimmy Carter

d. - Gerald ford





















1. - b

2. - a

3. - d

4. - a

5. - a

6. - c

7. - d

8. - a

9. - b

10. - a

11. - c

12. - c

13. - a

14. - c

15. - b