Sunday Special - Animals


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Sunday Special - Animals
1. Whale with a unicorn-like projection
2. Relative of the Dugong
3. Sea Lion, Seal and Walrus Family
(Starts with P-)
4. The largest member of this family
5. The Japanese Salamander is the largest of this class of critter
6. They use discarded shells more than any other critter
7. Best Swimmer of the Bear Family
8. Marsupial with the Worst Temper
9. Source of Mohair
0. World's Largest Antelope
11. More Common Name for a Carapace
12. World's Largest Lizard
13. Western hemisphere's Largest Lizard
14. Adder and Rattlesnake Family
(Starts with V-)
15. World's Longest Venomous Snake
16. Two Species of Gorilla
17. Monkey with red nose and blue cheeks
18. Physical differences between rabbits and hares
19. World's largest rodent
20. Navigational Method of Bats
.1. Narwhale
2. Manatee
3. Pinniped
4. Elephant Seal
5. Amphibian
6. Hermit Crab
7. Polar Bear
8. Tasmanian Devil
9. Goat
10. Eland
11. Turtle Shell
12. Komodo Dragon
13. Iguana 14.Vipers
15. King Cobra
16. Mountain and Lowland (Acceptable ; Eastern [Mountain] & Western [Lowland]
17. Mandrill
18. Hares are larger, with longer ears and bigger feet
19. capybara
20. Echo-Location