Scrabble Solitaire

Ian M.

New member
Lucky, just out of curiosity, what dictionary do you use? I have an aged thesaurus and an even older Funk and Wagnall's dictionary that I fall back on and would love to update what I use in order to keep up with you.

Ian :bonk:


Grill Master
Gold Site Supporter
When need be, I refer to the American Heritage Dictionary - College edition......... Sometimes, when I have a word in mind, I'll test it against the on-line "Free Library".... when I'm really stumped there's my Official Scrabble Dictionary ...........


Ian M.

New member
Hey, LT - Sure hope you have a nice vacation next week but know you'll be missed, particularly right here in the land of the leprechauns. Playing here against you keeps our mental acuity on the cutting edge. We'll have to spend time with our dictionaries, boning up while you're away.

Ian :thumb:

Ian M.

New member
Good morning, Lucky - Welcome back. Hope you had a super vacation last week, but you certainly were sorely missed.



Grill Master
Gold Site Supporter