RESULTS - NCT's Iron Chef 12: Battle Sushi


New member
Ok, that’s it, NCT’s Iron Chef 12: Battle Sushi is Oooooooooooo-Vuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh!

Any w00ters out there? Ever go through a w00t-off. During a w00t-off, things move fast and furious as things sell right and left. Then an item comes up that no-one will touch, and the w00t-off drags to a slow crawling halt. That item is known as a “w00t killer”.

While Sushi is a very interesting ingredient, I had a dark feeling it was going to be an IC Killer for us.

BUT, we had some VERY talented individuals step up to the plate and knock things out of the park better than even Babe Ruth could have. I’m very impressed and thankful for you gifted souls that stepped up and showed us how to do Sushi properly. My hat is humbly off to each of you, my Sushi heroes!

Now, the results.

Luckytrim - Tuna, Salmon, Red Snapper, and Shrimp on a bed of Seaweed

High Cheese – Spicy Tuna, Shrimp/Avocado/Cucumber

chowhound – Tongue in Cheek Sushi
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c'mon, Chow. If you pull your little joke, then I won't wanna post Mr. Potato-Head in this week's challenge:lol:
Nice job, Luckytrim and High Cheese :clap: Wish I'd had the energy to participate, but I just wasn't into it. Glad you did, though :smile:
Thanks for the compliments everyone. I had fun doing this one, seeing Lucky's dish gave me the enthusiasm. I'd like to make nigiri someday. I was actually surprised how well my spicy tuna came out. Sriracha is the key for that.
I can't speak for HC, but as for myself, a lot more fish went into the reject pile than made it to the plate !
But it was fun !