Just a heads up. While we donate to our local food pantry year-round, this time of year (& throughout the winter) they're particularly in need.

I phoned ours yesterday at 9 a.m. to ask what they specifically needed, & they said that while their freezers were chock-full of turkeys, they really needed canned goods (except for green beans - which seems to be what everyone wants to donate).

By the time we got there at 11:30 a.m. (with one turkey, two fresh hams, 4 Cornish Game Hens, & $150 worth of canned goods), their freezers were EMPTY. Yes, empty.

So I'll definitely be going back with more turkeys, hams, etc., since at this time of year they're all on sale at unbelievably cheap prices. Even if you just bring one to your local food pantry, it can make a difference for a nice Xmas for some needy family.

Oh, & another heads up? I also donated about 10 boxes of peppermint candy canes just to make things festive, & the pantry folks were ecstatic since their recipients children rarely get treats like this.
As Christmas approaches, supermarkets are getting antsy (at least around here), & both hams & turkeys are going on sale. In fact, one of our markets even dropped the per-pound price on their geese by $1.

So I brought another ham & more canned goods to the pantry yesterday.

Just using this as a bump. :)
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Good bump BC ...and darn good idea. :clap: :clap: :clap:

CG ....I am looking at a like type of button for here. If it works out I'll have it the first of the year.
Thanks Doc! Other food boards aren't quite as generous as you are. Here's a message I just received from "Chowhound" when I posted the exact same original post I posted here. Nice sentiment for the season.

"We removed your post. Chowhound has a very narrow focus on where to find and how to make delicious food. While we can understand the desire to spur other members to action for a worthy cause that's clearly important to you, it's really not what our site is for.

There are so many issues large and small that people would like to get the word out about and organize people into action on that it would swamp our resource. We wish you the best of luck, but it's just not something we can host."

Dropped of two large bags last weekend. My foodbank will only take canned and boxed food though so, no meat.
Food pantry received a nice whole smoked turkey from me yesterday. I'm a frequent customer of "Burger's Smokehouse" ( ) - mostly for gifts, but sometimes for myself. Received an e-mail special of "buy one get one free" whole smoked turkey. Since it's just my husband & myself & I don't need two whole smoked turkeys, we'll be enjoying the first meal from one (obviously this 9# bird will be providing more than one meal) tomorrow, & a patron from the food pantry will be enjoying the other. And I made sure to include the preparation pamphlet with the turkey.

The pantry volunteers were very grateful, & it gave me the warm fuzzies. :)
My wife takes a couple of bags of can good and other none perishable foods once a month year around to the Lexington Interfaith Food Bank.
MAJOR kudos to you Joe. I want to keep this thread alive because everyone posts such fabulous meals, while so many go hungry. Just want to keep them thinking.

It's easy to donate when there are numerous donation boxes around the holidays, but hunger exists year-round.

Just want to keep everyone thinking. :)
MAJOR kudos to you Joe. I want to keep this thread alive because everyone posts such fabulous meals, while so many go hungry. Just want to keep them thinking.

It's easy to donate when there are numerous donation boxes around the holidays, but hunger exists year-round.

Just want to keep everyone thinking. :)

She does a lot of this stuff really and it isn't my doing.

She has a number of things she gives too also. Some examples are if someone abandons furniture here that is good she will have me move it to a build up space and when full she calls the local women's homeless shelter and have them come get it as a donation. We have also given camping gear (also a highly abandoned item) to the local boy scout troops. Now if we could find a place to donate the gym gear such as bowflex, belly busters and the rest of the gadgets people by then abandon. The only thing we ask is the come and get it leaving the space clean and ready to rent. As for the food she does take that herself. We have even been know to donate storage space to some of these organizations in the past as well.
Visited our local food pantry today with a sack of 6 frozen Perdue Frozen Cornish Game Hens, along with a dozen large cans of plain chicken breast & a dozen large cans of "Chef Boy-ar-dee" beef ravioli.

Frozen Cornish Game Hens are terrific food pantry donations since they're perfect for singles or couples who really don't want to deal with a whole turkey or ham, but otherwise can't get anything but ground beef or frankfurters, yadayadayada. Our food pantry loves receiving them, & they're really economical. We paid $6 each for TWO-PACKS of individually-packaged Purdue Cornish Game Hens.

I realize that food pantries ask for the processed stuff because it's an inexpensive way to get food on the table (around here, WalMart donates thousands of dollars of ground meat, poultry, etc.), but it gives me the (maybe sugar-coated) warm-fuzzies to donate some stuff that doesn't rely on processed food or hamburger to make a good meal.

Next time you see frozen Cornish Game Hens on sale - think about your food pantry. :)
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