Recipe Guru Pro (Android App) Free today


[ame][/ame]. Recipe Guru offers more than 35 different cuisines, from southwestern U.S. flavors to Filipino delicacies, and from mouth-watering Greek dishes to heart-warming kimchi. Choose any cuisine, and the categories below--including breads, vegetables, soups, poultry, and 20 other categories--change according to what Recipe Guru offers for that cuisine. FREE TODAY screen shot

Click on amazon for the link.
Does it have an interface for your computer?
I just clicked for it and it said next time I log on to amazon with my droid it will auto download. I was trying to see if it would also work on my computer, much like Kindle stuff does.
Doc it is an android application, so you need android 2.3 device (smartphone or tablet) or greater to get it to run. No PC interface. I use it on my Toshiba Thrive. Its a 10.1 in Android Tablet that I can't live without.