Please say "hola" to Diego (new puppy)


Joyfully Retired
There is no shortage of dogs needing a good home here - lots of street dogs, especially this time of year, when the Canadian and US "snowbirds" begin to feel the heat and fly back north, leaving behind dogs and cats that they have been caring for. We have considered lots of different dogs lately, but this little guy, who was born right next door, stole our hearts. We named him "Diego" ....


  • MARCH 20 2009 003.jpg
    MARCH 20 2009 003.jpg
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OH Karen.... that is sooooo great!!! You gots a new puppy! And a cute little bugger he is!!!! {{HUGS}} sweetie, I know it has to do your heart good!
Diego is one lucky, adorable, sweet little feller! I bet Sadie and Celia would want to lick him on the head!
lilylove said:
He has such sad eyes! I bet you put some joy in to them!

Poor little guy hasn't had much to be happy about to date - he has been living in the street. But the look on his face may be puzzlement - in order to get him to look at the camera, I made a funny noise...You can bet we will be showering him with love and adoration. He landed in a good place.
He's a bright looking fellow, Karen. I know he's a lucky little guy, for sure. Makes me smile to think of all the years he'll be by your side. How does he get on with your cats?
Hola Diego! He looks like he wants to know why you're holding that silly camera when you could be loving on him! What a sweetie!
Look for the dog biscuit recipe that I posted! My first cousin dog, loved them and so did my neighbors' dogs. She rescues and chooses dogs that others won't take with all kinds of health issues and behavioral issues. She doesn't like animals to be put down when with love and care she can turn them around.
Look up: Bone a fidos
They are fun to make!
I've loved floppy-eared mutts since my family's house was a second-home for my friend's dog.

Your puppy brings back fond memories for me, Karen! Congratulations!
