Dough Boy
We're going to two dinners this weekend and have been asked to bring an appetizer. I suggested to DW that we bring Sausage & Cheese on Rye, because I could make them up ahead of time and freeze them. One recipe would be enough for both dinners, as there will be other appys there. I went to the store and bought the roll sausage and cheese, but was told at two stores that they only carry the Pepperidge Farm party rye during the holidays. So, what's the Dough Boy to do, but make his own party rye in mini loaf pans. I was out of rye in the freezer, so I decided to make a loaf with the minis. I've made mini loaves of bread before, and know that I needed 7oz. of dough for each mini pan, and 28 oz for a full size loaf. So, Using Baker's percentages, I was able to back into a recipe that would make exactly 56oz. of dough. Here's my formula and accompanying pics.
Unbleached bread flour 23oz
Dark Rye flour 9oz
Salt .6oz
Instant Yeast .35oz
Milk 10oz
Water 9oz
(1) Large egg 1.85oz
2 T Molasses 1.70oz
2 T Caraway seeds .50oz
Loaves in pans after first rise...
Loaves risen 45 minutes and ready for the oven...
Out of the oven. 17 minutes @400F for the mini pans, and 35 min. @ 400F for the full size loaf to hit 200F internal temp...
Unbleached bread flour 23oz
Dark Rye flour 9oz
Salt .6oz
Instant Yeast .35oz
Milk 10oz
Water 9oz
(1) Large egg 1.85oz
2 T Molasses 1.70oz
2 T Caraway seeds .50oz
Loaves in pans after first rise...
Loaves risen 45 minutes and ready for the oven...
Out of the oven. 17 minutes @400F for the mini pans, and 35 min. @ 400F for the full size loaf to hit 200F internal temp...