Pad Thai made by woman in a canoe.

I was searching around to get some Pad Thai ideas, when i cam across this video of a woman in a canoe, with wok and ingredients just cooking away. I dont travel abroad much ( or should I say at all) so ive never experienced this. I thought it was kinda cool. I know I got a kick out of it. The two things I liked most was that she had to paddle occasionally to stay put, and also, she washed her hands in the river while she was cooking ( hope it wasnt the hudson) . Anyway, enjoy.




New member
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I love Thai food and have since I was there in the early 80's. People cooking an selling foods like this is very common in some parts of Thailand.


Stewed Monkey
Super Site Supporter
Love Thai food, just watched Bobby Flay get his butt kicked (re-run) on Throwdown by a lady from Thailand... he was trying to beat her Pad Thai. They even had some Minister from Thailand judging.
I saw the same episode which is what peaked my interest in this dish. Kind of a pain in the B-Hind doing a halfway decent vegetarian take on it. But bobby Flay knew he had no chance at all.


Resident Rocker Lady
I could not do that in a boat, in a moat, in a fort, or in a port... hell, can't even pull that off in my own damn kitchen!!! Gal knows her pad thai!

I watched that same episode of Throw Down on pad thai, it looks great, but I fear that it would take me over 100 tries to get it right. So for now, I'm quite happy dinning out for this dish. And with the firm tofu, it is a great vegitarian dish.


Stewed Monkey
Super Site Supporter
I could not do that in a boat, in a moat, in a fort, or in a port... hell, can't even pull that off in my own damn kitchen!!! Gal knows her pad thai!

I watched that same episode of Throw Down on pad thai, it looks great, but I fear that it would take me over 100 tries to get it right. So for now, I'm quite happy dinning out for this dish. And with the firm tofu, it is a great vegitarian dish.

Two things here. First of all you started off sounding like Dr. Seuss!!

Second, it is actually easier to make than you think. Give it a try and I think you will be pleasantly surprised. Our first try it tasted good but not near what the restaurants made. After a few tries ours was just as good. The secret for us was we used a good Pad Thai sauce from the Thai grocery store.


Resident Rocker Lady
Hey Mav, my problem is getting everthing in the right place at the right time. I tried to do some stir fry awhile back and everything was severly over cooked. I know I could do it, but at the same time, it's that 'timing' thing that I have issues with. Plus, I don't have a cooking vessel or heat source that would be suitable for this type of cooking.

We have to leave some things so there is a reason to dine out right? DH wont go out to eat steak anymore because he says I cook it better than any resturaunt... I don't need to be mastering pad thai just yet! :)

Disclaimer... DH has been dropped on his head a time or two, I'm sure my steak is not that good!


Stewed Monkey
Super Site Supporter
Hey Mav, my problem is getting everthing in the right place at the right time. I tried to do some stir fry awhile back and everything was severly over cooked. I know I could do it, but at the same time, it's that 'timing' thing that I have issues with. Plus, I don't have a cooking vessel or heat source that would be suitable for this type of cooking.

We have to leave some things so there is a reason to dine out right? DH wont go out to eat steak anymore because he says I cook it better than any resturaunt... I don't need to be mastering pad thai just yet! :)

Disclaimer... DH has been dropped on his head a time or two, I'm sure it is not that good!

LOL that is a good point, I can barely get DW to go out anymore!

I use my 14" SS copper bottom pan to make this. The trick is to go thru all the ingredients and prep them first, putting each into a bowl of its own. That way when you start to cook it is all lined up and ready to go... just dump em in one by one. Same basic principle as she is doing on the canoe with everything in dishes there.
But, if you are still unsure we can start ya on a simple curry.... LOL!


Resident Rocker Lady
Ahhhh... never thought about using my SS, mine has a copper bottom as well. I may have to reconsider this. I did not even consider using it for this.


New member
Gold Site Supporter
How in the word does she keep track of all that! That was incredible! Thanks!


Stewed Monkey
Super Site Supporter
Ahhhh... never thought about using my SS, mine has a copper bottom as well. I may have to reconsider this. I did not even consider using it for this.

This is the recipe we use to make ours, we keep it simple as that is best. You can always play with it later once you get good at making it, and step it up a notch or two to suite your tastes:
Here is the pic that goes with that:


  • PadThai 001.jpg
    PadThai 001.jpg
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Stewed Monkey
Super Site Supporter
I forgot to mention. One extra step that we have learned is that after boiling the noodles, do a quick soak in cold water before adding to the pan. They stick less that way. Also, a favorite topping is bean sprouts. They add a nice crunchy taste to it, but we omit as we always have to buy more than we will use and end up wasting.