OR or bust!

Mr. Green Jeans

New member
NCT ers,

My lack of participation on the boards of late is due to the fact we are prepping our house to sell. The past 3 years, I have been commuting each Monday and Friday from the Seattle area to south of Portland. In this economy you go where the work is.

Well, this week DW accepted a teaching position with a school district 15 minutes from work. The relocation process is now in high gear. Still, there will not be much time with the lap top or in the kitchen for that matter. Just asking for a pass for the time being.

Oh, if we get the country property, first order of business is building a bee hive oven!



Staff member
Gold Site Supporter
Good luck with all that Mr. Green Jeans!!!!!
Congrats on your wife getting that teaching job so close by. :thumb: It sometimes takes a while but that gives you an even better feeling when the plan all comes together.
I wish you luck with this whole transition ...and we'll leave the light on for you. :thumb:

Fisher's Mom

Mother Superior
Super Site Supporter
Congratulations to your lovely wife on her new position and WooHoo to the both of you on your upcoming move! We know you will be crazy busy, but update us when you get the chance.


Queen of Cornbread
Site Supporter
It looks like things are beginning to work out for you MGJ! I hope you get the country property and that the rest of the transition is a smooth one.


New member
Good luck on your move and to your wife's new position.
Your pompeii oven sounds like a great idea! I'm right in the middle of erecting my brick dome.


Grill Master
Staff member
Gold Site Supporter
you cook bees? :yuk:

good luck gj.

what does your wife teach. beekeeping?

I took a course in college called "Practical Beekeeping", because it was a science course and I thought it would be a gut. It wasn't.

Guess what I got for a final grade?


P.S. Best of luck on your move and your wife's new job, MrGJ!


Grill Master
ouch, that joke stings. i guess you got a b...

is there such a thing as impractical beekeeping?

Fisher's Mom

Mother Superior
Super Site Supporter
I thought I had, but they are back. Twice we've sprayed and then sucked them out with a shop vac. (That was hysterical to watch DH and DS - all wrapped up in screening material to avoid being stung.)