Onions on the coals


New member
This is a favorite of mine; I learned about from a guy I used to work with.

He takes a couple large onions, and tosses them on top of the coals when he grills on his Weber. Just tosses them on there, lets the outside char.

When his other grill stuff is done, he uses an oven mit, and takes the onions out. Then he peels the burnt part away. Then, quarter the onions , and break apart. Squeeze a little lemon juice over them.

He isn't picky about the type of onion.

When they are done, they are sweet as candy!
Ohhhhh yeah! I do something similar in the oven. Youre right it sweet as candy and savory as hell. LOVE IT! :D
I tried this last night without the lemon juice and it was still good! Just added a little salt and ate them with some steak- it was very good. They could have cooked longer but it was still good and I will definitely do it again.
I have done something similar in the past- quarter the onions and place in a foil pouch with a drop of water (for steaming) and some butter- delicious!!!