New Toy for the Rotisserie


Active member
The Hatch chilis are on the way and will be roasted over charcoal with this basket.





I mainly got it to roast chilis, but the inventor does wings and other stuff in it. I love the rotisserie but don't use it often enough. I've done a beef knuckle (probably the best roast beast we've ever had), that shawarma Karen made and of course whole chicken. Besides the chilis, I've been thinking about Italian sausages with peppers and onions in the basket. Maybe a spitted chicken inside the basket and new potatoes in the basket, continuously basted with chicken drippings!
There are holes on each end of the basket that you can slide skewers through. I've got some experimenting to try in the future!
Where did you order your chilis from? What level of heat did you order?

I've heard so much about their great flavor, but when I took a bite from one that a friend gave me, I almost died, it was so hot!

We ordered from but they haven't arrived yet. Our order was 5# hot and 20# medium.

Have fun roasting, and please post a photo of the charred chilis, too!

This was my first experience using the rotisserie basket and roasting chilis in it. There was a learning curve as with most new equipment. I started out with a 2 zone fire, using charcoal baskets on each side of the rotisserie. I fired one chimney of charcoal and divided it between the 2 baskets. Dropped a couple of pecan 1/2 splits in each basket.


I found that although it worked, it was taking 25 to 30 minutes for roasting with very little charring. Plus I had 25# of chilis to roast. I put a third charcoal basket directly beneath the rotisserie basket, creating a third zone. This cut the time down to 10 minutes or so with a good amount of charring.


The other important step is to cut the dang stems off the chilis down to nubs! Otherwise they get caught in the rotisserie basket grates and won't allow the chilis to tumble correctly.

Next is a trip to the Bodega market for some red Japs!