new ketchup container


'lil Chef
needed to buy it. squeezy ketchup! only $0.99


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Luvs - This kind of made me think of one of my favorite Ogden Nash poems I heard as a kid:

Shake and shake the ketchup bottle
None'll come and then a lot'll

I wonder how you'd prevent that with a container like this one?

Ian :yuk:
I would think that no shaking is tequired. Just squeeze. I read about this a while back. It is just now making it's way to the shelves. If I remember correctly, it has been oit in Europe a while
Probably so, Andy. Can't help what Mr. Nash wrote in his little jokey poem. Back when he was writing silly things there wasn't any such thing as a squeezable ketchup bottle - just clunky, heavy glass ones. If he'd known what was to come he'd have probably coupled it "Squeeze and Squeeze the ketchup bottle." Another Ogden Nash poem I always thought was funny was one entitled "Fleas" - Adam hadem. To keep perfectly current and PC in today's society it might have been "Bedbugs" Adam hadem. And I can't begin to imagine what would have become of his poetry set to the tune of Carnival Of The Animals......................

Ian :chef:
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we used to only have glass bottles of heinz @ non fast-food restaurants & @ my Parent's, too. u can get it yet, just won't see it as often.
oh, & yeah, andy! meant to say it is just a sqeeze pouch. reminds me of that baby food in pouches that u just give to them & let them feed themselves as they please. (geez, they have have it for older kids/adults now, too. is there any real reason a kid or adult cannot have fruit purees w/ a spoon~)
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