I picked up this manual log splitter yesterday from Harbor Freight, on sale for $80. Works like a charm.
Why cooking related do you ask? I need to split wood for my wood oven.
Don't want to alarm anyone, but if you have a particular enemy...I was going through a nasty divorce at the time, and just pretended it was my ex-husband's head in there. SPLAT!! Felt good.
Yeah, the ones you can rent are usually gas powered and they can split a whole cord of firewood in less than an hour.
I would definitely consider a powered unit if I had lots of logs to split regularly.
Problem with that is, I don't have any trees to chop (palm trees don't work the same way - they are basically just fibers); I don't have any need for firewood anymore, and there's no one's head I want to smush. (I quite like Jerry.)