My Mother's Fudge


New member
This recipe has been in our family for generations. It's plain, but so delicious. We have it at every family gathering.

2 C. Sugar
1/3 C. Cocoa
2/3 C. Milk
dash of salt
2 T. Butter
1 t. Vanilla

Combine sugar, cocoa, milk and salt in heavy saucepan. (My mother and grandmother always used a cast iron skillet). Bring to a boil over medium heat. Cook to hard ball stage (take a spoon and dip into the mixture. Let a drop fall into a cup of cold water. If it stays in a ball form, it's ready). Remove from heat. Add butter and vanilla. Stir until thick and no longer glossy. Pour into buttered dish. Refrigerate.

Wow...I'm unable to enjoy such delights right now (diet restrictions with pregnancy), but as soon as I'm able to have sweets again I think I'm going to give this recipe a shot. I've never made fudge before, but I absolutely love home-made fudge. THANKS! :chef: