Looking for a new glass water pitcher

chocolate moose

New member
We'd like to keep water in the fridge but some glass pitchers aren't dishwasher safe. Some aren't sturdy and Amazon reviews say they break easily.

I'm kind of at a loss as to what to buy ....
if it's the BPA thing, look at Nalgen(tm) plastics - no BPA., dishwasher safe.....

I see glass "juice" pitchers in the supermarket for $4-5; don't know what the plastic tops are....

why is glass not dishwasher safe?
I don't know why glass would not be DW safe unless it cracks easily.

As far as plastic, once they get scratched they aren't good anymore but truthfully scratching plastic probably will happen less then breaking a glass pitcher will ....
Nalgen is used for lab ware. it's tough.

not sure why a plastic is no good anymore if it gets scratched.

are we working on internet rumors here?