Put a towel around your waist and change your chonies. No one wants to see anyones junk!
especially after they've been vibrated and bounced around on top of a gas tank on a bike for an afternoon!
roflmao, qsis!!!!
i have 2 good locker room stories.
a long time ago when i was in the 8th grade, i was selected from my class to go along with a few other students to see the brandy new giants stadium in the meadowlands before the opening game, and have a meet-n-greet with the players after practice.
well, the stadium was beautiful; we got to kick a few field goals with the giants' kickers, and run around on the filed for a while. but then we had the meet-n-greet. they walked us into the locker room just after practice had ended, and all i can remember is gigantic, naked men walking around. i quickly prayed for either an exit door, or a pair of stilts because being the height of a 12 or 13 year old amongst 6"5" men is a disturbing thing to do.
my second locker room story was years later, when i was about 30 and kept in shape by working out at a local gym. i'd first go lift and ride a stationary bike, then off it was to do a half mile in the pool.
i became friends with a bunch of guys who swam the "laps only" time around noon everyday, along with a few women who braved our competitive b.s. to get their laps in with us.
there was this one german girl who swam in our lanes wearing an ill fitting, thin, white swimsuit when she did her laps, mostly doing the breast stroke and frog kick.
after swimming as the guys showered up, the conversation inevitably turned to the girl in white. one guy never said much, but chuckled along as we spoke in typical gutteral locker room opinions of what she wasn't hiding too well.
one day (probably when she wasn't there that day, lol), the conversation turned to what we each did for a living. when it was the quiet guy's turn, he was cryptic in his description of his employ.
he mentioned that he only works once a week, and he's closer to the home office every time he flies.
most of the guys didn't get it, but i immediately realized that he was a priest.
i caught him out in the parking lot and profusely apologized for my part of it, if he'd been offended.
he simply replied that he truely enjoyed being treated as one of the guys for a change, and except for a comment or two had no problem enjoying the beautiful things the lord had made, as much as us.
i never said another word in that locker room ever again.