If the internet ended what would you do?
Instead of a poll today, I will just ask a question in general. I can't think of enough options to make it a worthwhile poll. So lets just discuss.
The day my last computer died, I went right out the next day and bought a new one and had it up and running.. what's that tell ya? lol
Mine's in the spare bedroom which serves as an office, with a daybed and a closet full of crap and my uniformsYes my computer sits in the front bedroom that I've converted to a home office. We sleep in the back bedroom. I also have a computer in the business office which I rarely ever access the internet on.
Mine's in the spare bedroom which serves as an office, with a daybed and a closet full of crap and my uniforms
If there was one time I wished I'd had computer access, it's when I was in the hospital. A laptop would have come in pretty handy!
I would rediscover books..television and music.
Quite frankly, it would be awful.
The day my last computer died, I went right out the next day and bought a new one and had it up and running.. what's that tell ya? lol
If there was one time I wished I'd had computer access, it's when I was in the hospital. A laptop would have come in pretty handy!
Tell me about it.The last time that my husband was in the hospital for an extended stay, I took his laptop to him. He just perked right up. Daytime tv sucks.
I would fish a LOT more than I do now, and get back into my hands-on hobbies that I accelerated my learning curves via the Internet. I would reactivate my library card and learn thru books like I used to. DW would go nuts w/o her Facebook and e-mail. The Post Office would immediately go into the black, and catalogs would fill the mailbox again (I miss the Victoria's Secret catalog![]()