Life without the internet?


If the internet ended what would you do?

Instead of a poll today, I will just ask a question in general. I can't think of enough options to make it a worthwhile poll. So lets just discuss.
Are we talking a permanent loss of the Internet? For everyone or just me personally?

If all of a sudden the Intenet went away for everyone, it would halt business and life as we know it and dead end the progress of mankind.

If I lost the Internet, I would loose about 90% of the Entertainment in my life and loose the ability to learn, which I do daily on the WEB. My job would become much more difficult as I garner much of the information and materials I ned from the WEB..

Short answer, it would be devastating.
I can remember what it was like - but several of my kids can't. I think the internet is the high-tech thing I would seriously miss most if it were gone. I love my cell phone, my GPS, my FAX machine, my printer/copier. The list goes on and on. But the internet is where I feed my brain. I can find out almost anything within minutes - sometimes seconds. I can learn things I never knew I wanted to learn. I can share knowledge with others. And of course, it feeds my need for social connections and bonds. As a mom at home with lots of kids, I was often isolated for long periods of time from adult company. The internet has given me a place to have a virtual cup of coffee with other human beings.
No x-box, no facebook or twitter, no mindless games or stupid chats. My kids would have nothing to do and there's no way could go home to that. My house would become a Lord of the Flies reenactment.
If the internet ended what would you do?

Instead of a poll today, I will just ask a question in general. I can't think of enough options to make it a worthwhile poll. So lets just discuss.

Get more done around the house & interact more with people - in person.

I didn't grow up w/ the internet/computers, so I would go back to doing everyday tasks away from my desk, & actually get out more in the "real" world. I would go back to mailing bills, doing research in a library, reading a newspaper, etc., etc., etc. The internet can be a blessing & a curse.
I would rediscover books..television and music.

Quite frankly, it would be awful.

The day my last computer died, I went right out the next day and bought a new one and had it up and running.. what's that tell ya? lol
It would be a drastic change to everything I do, work and play. :eek:

I keep a 2nd and third computer handy just in case of computer failure. I've been shut down with a computer issues before. I try to plan so that that will not get me again, no matter what hardware part fails, at least not when I'm home.
I don't know. I lived most of my life prior to the internet. Now computers, not a chance with out that my work would be very tedious. I've actually started limited my internet access now as I want more time to spend at other things. I go to the range once a week now something I was doing about once ever 3 months before. I've actually watched some movies I wouldn't of seen just a few months ago. I'm also sleeping better as well to boot and sleeping more. I simply have time to do some of the things I've not done for a long time because of the internet.
Yes my computer sits in the front bedroom that I've converted to a home office. We sleep in the back bedroom. I also have a computer in the business office which I rarely ever access the internet on.
Yes my computer sits in the front bedroom that I've converted to a home office. We sleep in the back bedroom. I also have a computer in the business office which I rarely ever access the internet on.
Mine's in the spare bedroom which serves as an office, with a daybed and a closet full of crap and my uniforms :yum:
If there was one time I wished I'd had computer access, it's when I was in the hospital. A laptop would have come in pretty handy!
Mine's in the spare bedroom which serves as an office, with a daybed and a closet full of crap and my uniforms :yum:
If there was one time I wished I'd had computer access, it's when I was in the hospital. A laptop would have come in pretty handy!

You copied my space girl? I'm afraid to open a closet door in there. :yum:
If there was one time I wished I'd had computer access, it's when I was in the hospital. A laptop would have come in pretty handy!

The last time that my husband was in the hospital for an extended stay, I took his laptop to him. He just perked right up. Daytime tv sucks :D.
You could forget about On Demand from cable, free or pay-per-view.

My pace of learning would drastically get reduced.

I would, however, get more done around the house, and probably fish a little more.
I would fish a LOT more than I do now, and get back into my hands-on hobbies that I accelerated my learning curves via the Internet. I would reactivate my library card and learn thru books like I used to. DW would go nuts w/o her Facebook and e-mail. The Post Office would immediately go into the black, and catalogs would fill the mailbox again (I miss the Victoria's Secret catalog:shock: :clap:).
I would fish a LOT more than I do now, and get back into my hands-on hobbies that I accelerated my learning curves via the Internet. I would reactivate my library card and learn thru books like I used to. DW would go nuts w/o her Facebook and e-mail. The Post Office would immediately go into the black, and catalogs would fill the mailbox again (I miss the Victoria's Secret catalog:shock: :clap:).

Awww, Joe. You can borrow one of my teddies (& wings). :lol:
