I guess I would do a frozen pizza. I have a Pizzaz pizza maker thing that spins around and does a decent job.
PB&J or Bologna sandwich. Oscar Mayer sandwich spread was my fav but they stopped making that for some reason.
Or a can of soup.
Nowadays, I just offer to make something, or get it from the store & bring it over. Saves me a bundle from making a big dinner!! Lots of work saved & only 1 or 2 things to make or bring over from the store. Smart!!!!When we do big cooks, like Easter, Xmas, B-days or Thanksgiving, I have a helper (and a boss) in the kitchen that helps tremendously on those occasions.
You know the sort of thing. You want something nice to eat but have run out of steam.
Not to the extent you’d order takeout but it’s close.
Expended all my cooking energies at lunch time on making garlic bread and Kha Gai soup. I’ve nothing left in the tank.
The idea of a ready meal makes your stomach turn so you go for your easy assembly quick fix hit.
Post it here, might be steak baguette, sausage and mash, jacket potato. You wouldn’t declare you ‘cooked‘ it but at the same time you did manage to get the ingredients on a plate 😆
These assemblies are always handy to have in the bank for those tired days.
I got a little suspicious at the mention of Kha Gai soup.Nothing like straight up plagiarism is there @Shermie ?
Post from another person that came from another forum. Copied and pasted word for word.I got a little suspicious at the mention of Kha Gai soup.
Just sayin.....
I know.Post from another person that came from another forum. Copied and pasted word for word.
Hey I use the phrase jacket potato!Post from another person that came from another forum. Copied and pasted word for word.
Jacket potato would be another clue as well.