Ni pedo
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A filling, tasty and warming dish from the county of Lancashire.
Originally it was baked in the oven then wrapped in an old blanket
to keep it hot until it was eaten much later. A favourite for
warming the menfolk up whilst watching the horse racing on a
cold autumn day.

2 lb lamb
4 lambs kidneys
20 fl oz hot water
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
2 lb potatoes
¾ lb onions
1 bayleaf
A sprig of thyme
Tablespoon flour
Knob of Butter
Fat or oil for frying
Salt and pepper (to taste).

1. Peel the potatoes and cut into ¾" thick slices.
2. Skin, core and chop the lamb's kidneys.
3. Chop the lamb meat into small cubes or chunks.
4. Brown a few of the cubes of lamb at a time in a hot frying pan
with a little oil. Continue until all the pieces have been browned.
Once the cubes have all been browned then put them in an oven
proof casserole dish (or pot).
5. Now brown the kidneys in the hot oil and scatter over the cubes
of lamb in the dish.
6. Keeping the same oil used to brown the meat, brown the onions
which should have been chopped up too.
7. Once the onions are golden brown stir in a little flour to soak up
all the oil and juices in the pan.
8. In a measuring jug (or cup) add the Worcestershire sauce to the
hot water and then pour and stir into the pan with the flour etc.
Take care to pour slowly and blend the mixture well, or else you
may end up with a lumpy mixture.
9. Add salt and pepper to taste.
10. Now gently heat the pan and bring the contents to a simmer.
As soon as it is simmering, take off the heat, then pour over the
meat and kidneys in the pot.
11. Add the thyme and bayleaf. Now carefully lay the potato slices
on top of the meat to form a cover by overlaping the slices, just like
tiles on a house roof.
12. Add a few small knobs (or dollops!) of butter on the potato roof
and cover with a tight fitting lid.
13. Place in a preheated oven at 325'F (gas mark 3) or (170'C) for
about 1½ hours.
14. Remove the lid and return to the oven for another 45 minutes -
to help brown the potato roof and finish the cooking. If you really
want a 'crisp brown' covering then finish off under a grill until the
desired shade is reached.

Serving Suggestion:
For a really traditional way of eating, try serving with pickled red