Keltin is special too

there's a limit on karma? SAD!!!

P.s.... he was cool before getting 10!

There is no limit to giving Karma. It's just that 11 dots are the most VB will show.

If you put the cursor over someone's green dots you will get a phrase that tells you how much Karma they have.

-50 = xxxxxx can only hope to improve
-10 = xxxxxx has a little shameless behavior in the past
0 = xxxxxx is an unknown quantity at this point
10 = xxxxxx is on a distinguished road
50 = xxxxxx will become famous soon enough
150 = xxxxxx has a spectacular aura about
250 = xxxxxx is a jewel in the rough
350 = xxxxxx is just really nice
450 = xxxxxx is a glorious beacon of light
550 = xxxxxx is a name known to all
650 = xxxxxx is a splendid one to behold
1000 = xxxxxx has much to be proud of
1500 = xxxxxx has a brilliant future
2000 = xxxxxx has a reputation beyond repute

There are levels above these, I don't know where Doc has them set
