Jon Gosselin got Screwed!

Deadly Sushi

Formerly The Giant Mojito
Jon and Kate Gosselin's divorce was just finalized this morning and there's a pretty good chance Jon's going to need a little... TLC :mrgreen: The guy got what he deserves. :thumb: What is the SAD part... the kids without a decent father.
TMZ reports:
We've learned under the arbitrator's award, Jon must make huge child support payments -- we're told 5 figures a month. And here's the problem. TLC has now shut down Jon's ability to take outside jobs. The irony -- he did himself in.
We've also learned Jon was charged every penny of the $235,000 that he withdrew from their joint account. That amount was deducted from his piece of the settlement.
As for Jon's claim that Kate should be docked for money she withdrew ... we've learned Jon struck out. The arbitrator determined every penny she withdrew was for the benefit of the kids.


What's the next reality show?

Can you see it now?
"John On His Own" the next reality show, he'll have chicks lined up to select as his next partner.
Or, "Kate In Need"... searching for a decent father for her children.
Blahh lol
He's actually being sued right now by well as him counter suing them. I bet he is kicking himself something good for choices he has made this year!
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Its just...... sad. Pathetic and sad. But social.
Only to those who watch that shit.
Some people live their lives through that show and really get into it.
Thank God for Foxnews and NatGeo.
The world's a mess as it is, who wants to take the time keeping up with a family who are paid a gazillion $$$ to air their dirty laundry?
Why are anomalies called reality? People enjoy a freak show, and that is what the networks are providing, because reality is pretty boring.

Just for the record, every man has his breaking point in a relationship, and Jon is just dumber than most. He probably figured she would mellow after they married...dumb on his part. He should have seen the writing on the wall and dumped her while they were dating. It takes a special person to need a self-centered controlling wench to control their life, and Jon took too long to figure out that he did not need that amount of abuse. Most people deserve what they get.
I agree with Joe, John made mistakes but the biggest one was staying with Kate for so long, he shoulda bailed long long ago. They shouldn't give her a penny in the divorce, she doesn't deserve any of it. Instead, it should all go into trust for the kids to help pay for all the therapy they are going to need to overcome the damage done to them mom and dad.
And yea, this isn't reality TV its trash TV at its best. Blech, proud to say I never saw a single episode of the show!
OMG - those kids are so cute and I cringe at the thought of them watching their parent's train wreck of a marriage on re-runs one day.
OMG - those kids are so cute and I cringe at the thought of them watching their parent's train wreck of a marriage on re-runs one day.
They will just join the ranks of 50% of the kids in this country who live in single parent homes. Kate is set because she has her book and speaking tours to generate revenue. What a great role model for American girls...NOT!
I know, I know, Joe. I always try to be very supportive to couples with young children. It's so hard to stay married these days.
Yea, tell me about it...

I think I read somewhere that the #1 reason for divorce were financial reasons... Um, so, tell me how that is news to anyone??:shock:

I think what has changed is the amount of effort people are willing to put into marriage anymore. Seems those that should get a divorce hang in there forever and a day and torture the heck out of each other while destroying their kids; but those that should hang in there get divorced over the smallest of things, and what does that teach their kids?

I think we need to do a better job of preparing our kids for marriage, like make them spend some time in a mental institution. After all, don't they say marriage is an institution?:whistling:
Ugh that guy is just plain yucky. :yuk:

I'm probably completely off base..... or just luckily clueless...... but I don't find marriage to be work really..... I think if you are with the right person it's really pretty effortless......

just sayin' :whistling:
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Heh... I can sum up my feelings on these reality TV folks in about six words.

Don't Care
Don't Care
Don't Care


(In fact, when all the divorce stuff started, I had to ask people in the office what heck they were talking about. Does this mean I'm out of touch with "reality"?)
Ugh that guy is just plain yucky. :yuk:

I'm probably completely off base..... or just luckily clueless...... but I don't find marriage to be work really..... I think if you are with the right person it's really pretty effortless......

just sayin' :whistling:

After 37 years with the same woman, I would have to say it does take effort on the part of both people to keep it together. It helps if you love the other person more than life itself, and would sacrifice your very life for that person. No, it has not always been easy, and yes, we were dirt poor for many years, just having enough money to keep food on the table and the bills paid while DW stayed home and raised the kids while I worked a couple of jobs for about 12 years. We made it work because we took our vows seriously, and not as suggestions. We saw what divorce did to families around us, and decided to work out whatever differences we had. I can't say if EVERY difference is able to be worked out for every person, but we went through many of the same ones lots of people went through, and we kept it together when others chose to walk away. We are truly blessed to have each other, in spite of our human imperfections.
Jon and Kate Gosselin's divorce was just finalized this morning and there's a pretty good chance Jon's going to need a little... TLC :mrgreen: The guy got what he deserves. :thumb: What is the SAD part... the kids without a decent father.
TMZ reports:
We've learned under the arbitrator's award, Jon must make huge child support payments -- we're told 5 figures a month. And here's the problem. TLC has now shut down Jon's ability to take outside jobs. The irony -- he did himself in.
We've also learned Jon was charged every penny of the $235,000 that he withdrew from their joint account. That amount was deducted from his piece of the settlement.
As for Jon's claim that Kate should be docked for money she withdrew ... we've learned Jon struck out. The arbitrator determined every penny she withdrew was for the benefit of the kids.

If I was him I'd go put my junk in a vice. :unsure:
Why are anomalies called reality? People enjoy a freak show, and that is what the networks are providing, because reality is pretty boring.

Just for the record, every man has his breaking point in a relationship, and Jon is just dumber than most. He probably figured she would mellow after they married...dumb on his part. He should have seen the writing on the wall and dumped her while they were dating. It takes a special person to need a self-centered controlling wench to control their life, and Jon took too long to figure out that he did not need that amount of abuse. Most people deserve what they get.

Yeah and he picked a REAL winner to replace her didn't he....:whistling::huh:
Well from what Ive seen Jon is an ass-clown. Whats her face SEEMS to be OK, but I havent really followed it.
As for myself, Im not married and not even in a relationship currently and thats fine. My life is simple in respect to that and Im not minding it much. Although I totally want to....... court... Taylor Swift. :brows:
I never followed or saw the show at all, but current public opinion polls show a general consensus that she is a bitch and pretty much hated by most people. The last interview she gave turned even more people against her.

If I were Jon, the phrase "No extradition treat" would come to mind...

That and, "Off shore bank accounts"...
I've never seen this show and had to look it up to see what this was about. It has two sticks against it being on Fox and Reality TV both of which turn me off.
Yeah and he picked a REAL winner to replace her didn't he....:whistling::huh:
She is not a replacement...she's someone who is not making condescending remarks to him every time he opens his mouth, or correcting his every mistake while on camera. I doubt that Kate was ever in love with him, but just used him as a meal ticket and driver early on. Once the family came into the limelight, she made a conscious decision that she was going to be center stage with the kids, and that he was her serf.