I will be MIA


The Invisible
Just wanted to check in and say goodbye for a little while. I'm not leaving, I will be back. I will check in to make sure nothing is going on, but, gotta go for a while. Get myself where I need to be, happy again. :kiss:
Thanks for letting us know TG. We'll leave the light on for you. :thumb: :D
Stacy, take care and enjoy yourself! Take as long as you need but remember to come back!!! We'll miss you.
Take care of yourself Stacy...we'll be here when you're ready to come back! We're gonna miss you!
TG, I really hope you get to where you want to be. Please don't be gone to long and don't cry about Jr., he will eventually get his chit turned around!

{{HUGS}} Stacy!
Aww, you guys are the BEST!! I won't stay away long, I promise. I just hope no one leaves during that time!! So, no one is allowed to get pissed off and leave, you here me?? I will be a whole new person when I come back and then I will never leave and you will be begging me to take another break!! LOL

Sattie....dawling...no tears here,lol. I rooted for Jeff Sunday and hmmmmm, who was that winning his first Texas race?? ROFLMAO!! Pissed "him" off too. I think I just found my new driver!!