"I just spent 40 days in jail"


New member
Why do people (customers) have to announce that they just spent some time and just got out of jail? Over the years I've had several different customers come into my shop and make such announcements indiscretely in front of other people. Is it a macho thing for them to do some time? Or is it that some of these boneheads have been in and out so often that it became part of their lives? Just a few moments ago we got one guy who came in and announced that he just spent 40 days in jail. So what? I don't get it.
One day, while managing a convenience store, I heard the following from two guys at the hot dog fix-it bar:

"Dude! Haven't seen you since that weekend at the lake!"
"Yeah, I spent a couple years as a guest of the state, ya know what I mean?"
"No way! What for?"
"Aw man, just some dope... "
"So what you doing now?"
"Hell, can't find a job. It was easier inside the joint! If I can't find something soon,
I'm gonna rob someplace like this store, then just wait for the police, so I can go back in!"

Seems like it's a badge of honor or something....
Why do people (customers) have to announce that they just spent some time and just got out of jail? Over the years I've had several different customers come into my shop and make such announcements indiscretely in front of other people. Is it a macho thing for them to do some time? Or is it that some of these boneheads have been in and out so often that it became part of their lives? Just a few moments ago we got one guy who came in and announced that he just spent 40 days in jail. So what? I don't get it.

Kinda makes you wanna say, "I hope that was as good for you as it was for the rest of us." :w00t2:
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Why do people (customers) have to announce that they just spent some time and just got out of jail? Over the years I've had several different customers come into my shop and make such announcements indiscretely in front of other people. Is it a macho thing for them to do some time? Or is it that some of these boneheads have been in and out so often that it became part of their lives? Just a few moments ago we got one guy who came in and announced that he just spent 40 days in jail. So what? I don't get it.

I get it too in my line of work, self storage business. I have 6 tenant's now serving short term (less than 1 year) to one that is going away for 35 to life and once released deported out of the US. I even got a flier from the police 2 days ago for some people they are looking for at the moment that were previous tenants of mine.

I don't know if I would want to admit I was in jail regardless.
What a great topic, FooD. I am forever amazed at the things people will just blurt out to total strangers! I've had people tell me stuff I wouldn't whisper to my dog. Sometimes I think it's because people are lonely and isolated and just need to talk to someone. But maybe a little discretion in deciding what to talk about is in order.
Why do people (customers) have to announce that they just spent some time and just got out of jail? Over the years I've had several different customers come into my shop and make such announcements indiscretely in front of other people. Is it a macho thing for them to do some time? Or is it that some of these boneheads have been in and out so often that it became part of their lives? Just a few moments ago we got one guy who came in and announced that he just spent 40 days in jail. So what? I don't get it.

That depends. What line of work are you in? Didn't you mention a few cement-laying projects recently. LOL. I think it's lonliness or isolation, as mentioned. I had a few friends that would start a phone conversation with their most horrific latest experience - even before saying Hello. Maybe they are self-centered, crave attention, or need a kind ear to bend.
That depends. What line of work are you in? Didn't you mention a few cement-laying projects recently. LOL.

Yeah, I should have mentioned that my wife and I are in the hair cutting business. The guy needed a hair cut badly because he just spent the last 40 days in jail. The thing is, his hair wasn't even that long and was well groomed. I think he just wanted to tell someone about his jail time.....or to 'impress' one of our female stylists....whatever...:D
Y'all have a salon, FooD? That's wonderful, because I really need a haircut.

And btw, let me tell you about this awful rash I've got.....
Y'all have a salon, FooD? That's wonderful, because I really need a haircut.

And btw, let me tell you about this awful rash I've got.....

That makes two of us, haven't had one since a few months before my barber broke her wrist. She was going to do it as soon as she came in. Well now I'm going on about 7 months with at least another 2 months to go. I've beginning to look like I did in the 70's.