New member
Hey, not to take the spotlight away from Peeps and her new NOOK---which is a more than well deserved gift---I broke down 10 days ago and ordered a kindle, along with a lighted cover. I am still getting used to it. I am on my second book. I do not think I will ever discontinue reading books, I have so many in my bookcase to read, but it is easier to carry and does work well with all types of light, with a non glaring screen. Before this, I did download the kindle app to my iTouch and read a very thick book on there. The screen was small and it did glare. Currently, on the kindle, I am 1/3 through a 1,000 page book and it is much less cumbersome than lugging the book. I do miss thumbing through pages and checking up on things..
Just my thoughts on it, in case anyone was thinking of buying one
Just my thoughts on it, in case anyone was thinking of buying one
