High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)


I have been doing a bit of looking around with regards to HFCS. I have found a fair amount of information vilifying it. I read that it goes straight to the liver which in turn converts it immediately to fat and does not signal the body that it is full.

I then started reading labels more closely and found that it is everywhere. Then just last night, I read that some recent studies showed it it be no worse than sugar.

Has anyone else looked into this? If anyone has I would appreciate some definitive links, if you have them.

Thank You

>>links . . .

there's the definitive anti crowd
there's the definitive pro crowd
there's the ever definitive "what's that?" crowd

there is an absence of definitive science.
all things in moderation...
that said, I'm trying to stay away from processed foods
THAT said, it's hot dogs for supper tonight!! haha!