HELLO, HELLo, HElloooo, helloooooooooo

Hi, Dee. I have been on FB and lurking here. When I get my strength back and after a bit of rehab, I shall be back to baking.
Aww poor Peeps.....I'm sure once you style it yourself it will look fine! But I do feel your pain!!

Glad everyone is slowly starting to pop back up :)
11-11-2009, 08:48 PM

At the time you posted this Dee, I was up to my chin in the MARS and TARS, having just done last rounds with the girls and waiting for 10p to appear on the clock. lol
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gee it's 5:45 and only 4 of us here.

Dee - Nope - boring chicken and mashed for dinner last night.

Saving the pancakes and rce for later in the week.
ummmmm well you are invisible. Most won't know you are here. Good morning Fred.

Just spent half an hour playing catch with a Black Lab.
Talking to yourself isn't a problem. The answers can be interesting, it's when you break out in a full scale argument that it gets difficult. Then when you decide to smack yourself over the head, it's a real problem.
Talking to yourself is ok.... it's just when you start answering yourself it's a little troubling... :)
hmmmmmmmmmm but sometimes thats the only way anyone will agree with you!! unless of course ................... never mind :lol:
am i the only one who thought "is there anybody in there? just nod if you can hear me. is there anyone at home?"

i guess i'm on a pink floyd kick of late.

g'mornin', peoples of the netcookingtalk! :mrgreen:
am i the only one who thought "is there anybody in there? just nod if you can hear me. is there anyone at home?"

i guess i'm on a pink floyd kick of late.

g'mornin', peoples of the netcookingtalk! :mrgreen:
nobody is home leave a message at the beep ................
Hiya, Dee! How are you feeling this lovely day? I'll bet that baby is kicking up a storm! She'll be arriving pretty soon, right? In the next month or so?
yo mommy!!

i got the puter back ............. they replaced my dvd drive and did a factory restore!! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGG i had to do a full reinstall of the OS BECAUSE they put ALL the crap add ins the puter was shipped with!! programs like gateway BigFix which is defunct!! and other programs that need to be uninstalled but a bitch to find and delete all the crap the uninstall leaves behind and uses space and causes errors!! i couldn't get online either. so it was just easier to do a full wipe and reinstall. so now i am dealing with all the updates just to the drivers, OS and apps. i didn't even install my software yet, like office, roxio and such.

well at least it is taking the edge off the fact of starting work tomorrow. last year i did seasonal and had to learn a new POS this year 3 people are gone and again seasonal call back to a NEW revamped site. so i need to learn more new stuff. i sure hope it lasts longer than a month and a half this year. BUT if they wanna keep paying me to be tutored well alls cool with me!! send some good vibes and well wishes for staying into the new year towards me. thanks for bearing with the rant