Have Some Good Thoughts For My Son Jeff

Sass Muffin

Coffee Queen ☕
NCT Patron
He's probably going to be facing the same procedure.
He had this same done years ago.
I remember being worried and frightened.
He's had neck and back issues, before and after.
Right now he's on partial disability because of the first time.
I love my sons like crazy!
Just keep good thoughts please.
Thank you.

When Jeff was first beginning to walk, like toddlers do, he would fall down on his butt, then cry a lot.
Being a young, dumb Mother back then, I just thought he was being a kid.
It wasn't until he was in his 20s that it was found he had a small hole in the base of his spine.
I was told he was nearly born with spina bifida.
He's going on 46 years old now.
He's been pretty active playing football in highschool and being active for most of his life.
To this day he still walks hunched over, and has had constant pain, which has been managed since the last surgery.
I'm not sure what the outcome will be, perhaps it will help, maybe not.
He tells me to stop worrying so much.
Well I can't.
Thanks everyone for the good thoughts and prayers.
After a second opinion, the word is no surgery.
Jeff saw both a neurologist and another specialist who said no.
One thing he WAS advised on, stop with the chiropractic care to manage this.
He needs to simply practice pain management, when it gets bad and has been referred to physical therapy.
Again, thank you 😊
Thanks everyone for the good thoughts and prayers.
After a second opinion, the word is no surgery.
Jeff saw both a neurologist and another specialist who said no.
One thing he WAS advised on, stop with the chiropractic care to manage this.
He needs to simply practice pain management, when it gets bad and has been referred to physical therapy.
Again, thank you 😊

Good news, right? Is Jeff satisfied that this is the right path?

I've never heard good things about chiropractors. That sounds like good advice
The thing with chiropractic, they want you to keep coming back, again and again whether you really need it or not.
Don't get me wrong, I've gone to the same guy as Jeff since I was in my 30s, most recently for the TENS unit, but if the situation resolves itself, stop going.
They can actually do more harm than good.
That I do believe.