Girl Scout Cookies


New member
I cant walk past kids camped out outside the local convenience store and girl scout cookies have that irresistible nostalgia appeal but I really wish they could drop the corn syrup and trans-fats It sends a really bad message IMO. I know that the kids are not going to bake the cookies or anything but they could at least have some thought towards natural ingredients.
good thought, though try to tell that to a preggers woman during a 'terms of endearment' marathon. better yet, try & take her box of thin mints away in the middle of the chick-flick marathon & give her some rice cakes, instead.

i'm kidding. they could try offering both the classics & healthier versions of the classics. they're so good & i know i'm not the only one that has ingested 1/4 a box or beyond @ once when i was younger. they could try offering some other types altogether plus the regulars, as they have in the past decade, too.