For Luckytrim...


Queen of the Jungle
Gold Site Supporter
Out of all the wonderful drinks i've seen posted by you on here, I didn't find the following... At least as to what I can think of right off the top of my head at this moment.

1. Russian Cow... This I had once at a lounge and it wasn't too bad.
2. Frozen Pink Lady... This drink I know calls for Gin but I'm not sure how much. It is verry good.
3. Pink Pussy... Hmmm! I'd heard of this one and then ordered one in a bar one time and the 3 female bartenders thought I was making it all up until they pulled out the drink mixing recipe book to see if it was listed. Mmmm! good!

Do you have recipes for those and if so can you share them? :chef:


🌹 Still trying to get it right.
Site Supporter
Out of all the wonderful drinks i've seen posted by you on here, I didn't find the following... At least as to what I can think of right off the top of my head at this moment.

1. Russian Cow... This I had once at a lounge and it wasn't too bad.
2. Frozen Pink Lady... This drink I know calls for Gin but I'm not sure how much. It is verry good.
3. Pink Pussy... Hmmm! I'd heard of this one and then ordered one in a bar one time and the 3 female bartenders thought I was making it all up until they pulled out the drink mixing recipe book to see if it was listed. Mmmm! good!

Do you have recipes for those and if so can you share them? :chef:
Pink Pussy recipe


Queen of the Jungle
Gold Site Supporter
Origionally posted by Fisher's Mom:

No, no. Fryboy was referring to the names of the drinks and how he could think of a lot of naughty comments! LOL!!

Oooooooooooooooooooh! :alc::alc::bouncy::bouncy::alc::alc: