Fluffy Cake Icing


Resident Curmudgeon
3 tbsp flour
1/2 tsp salt
1 c milk
1 c shortening
1/4 c sugar
2 tsp vanilla

Cook first three ingredients until thick, stirring constantly. Let cool. Cream shortening and sugar, then add vanilla. Combine shortening mixture with cooked mixture. Mix well using electric mixer. Do not under beat. Frosts 2 layers and can be stretched to 3 layers. Stays fluffy for days.
No kidding, you can make that stuff at home? I thought it had to be bought in a plastic can like container in the cake isle of the store. :pat:

Good one Jim!
No kidding, you can make that stuff at home?

You can make almost anything at home. the thing to watch is the time it takes to make it and sometimes it costs more to make than to buy :chef:

The last few years it seems like at least some of the store bought stuff tastes pretty good. Maybe we should have a forum section for store bought, the good and the bad.

Yep, that does sound like a good topic. Maybe start a thread in the open area and we'll grow it from there. :thumb: