Yesterday, I heard Willard Scott mention the bugs 'noseeums' during his forecast. As a result, the syllable 'seeum' was all over my dreams last night. I heard the word Lycum, colliseum, noseeum, and seeum spoken by about 3-4 different people during the course of the night.
When I am particularly stressed or not feeling as confident as I usually do, I often have dreams with a recurring theme. Usually, it's a holiday, like christmas or thanksgiving and I have forgotten something major. Could be I've forgotten to buy a christmas tree, or I simply forgot to put it up. Could be I neglected to wrap any presents. I've dreamed that I didn't put the turkey in the oven, or didn't make the stuffing. I've dreamed that I didn't decorate the house.
There are dreams, also during times of stress, when I am walking through a house or a building, or even driving a car, and no matter how hard I try, I simply cannot get to familiar territory.
The sexual dreams are generally so good that I hate waking from them.
One of my favourite dreams that had Lou in it was about 8 years ago. We were in a large stone gazebo. Lots of column, lots of billowing curtains, and beautifully plush pillows in rich golds, bronzes, pinks and reds. I was lounging on the pillows wearing a resplendent gown of gold and pink. He came in and we began dancing like Anna and the King of Siam. He lifted me off the floor and as he did so the skirt of the dress opened to it's full bell shape,( almost like an umbrella or parachute, the way a dress with lots of crinilon or hoops beneath it would look, ) and he twirled and spun with me, my feet off the ground, feeling magnificent and laughing.
I don't dream of my children too often. When I do, they are usually young children.
Usually dreams that involve my parents, brother or sister are full of angst or unease.
And then there was the dream of the raccoon embryos that were gliding along the curb in a slowly meandering rain current towards the sewer drain.