Do you believe in UFO's?

UFO's? Do you believe they exist?

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What a great question to start the weekend...

Do you believe in UFO's?
No, of course not
Um, maybe
Yes, definately
I just saw one last week
I've been abducted multiple times
Do you mean those Unidentified Fried Objects that sometimes come with your onion rings? Yeah, I get those all the time!
Yup I do. I'm not so narcissistic as to think that we are the only ones out there.
And if aliens are even faintly like us, they are doing the same thing we would do
with an alien world that we could reach... study it.
ROTFLMAO, Lefty! I love the choices.

I chose Maybe only because I'm not certain that the things people have reported seeing are necessarily visitors from elsewhere. I do believe it is more likely than not that there is intelligent life elsewhere.
I believe in alien life, but not necessarily in UFO's. The star nearest our solar system is over 4 light years away. That's a long way to travel!
The star nearest our solar system is over 4 light years away. That's a long way to travel!

That's just a stone throw away for civilizations that are much more advanced than we are.
Yes, I believe in UFOs, but I wish never to be abducted.
I was "abducted" by a Texan. (Don't get them p.o., they are armed. LOL) ;-)

Of course not! You guys are crazy!


I do believe in intelligent forces/life(?) on other planets, but don't believe they(?) are coming to take us away for observation or otherwise.
I voted 'yes' but then I considered that I didn't really answer the question you asked. Do I believe in unidentified flying objects? Personally, I've never seen on, so I really cannot answer that particular question. Do I believe that it's possible for life from other parts of the universe to make it to earth? Yes.
Do I believe there is life in other parts of the universe? Yes. Do I believe that members of those other places have made it here to earth already? I have no idea. I do believe that if they actually have been here, someone has clearly identified that it was not of this planet and quickly went about not telling the rest of us.

With the vast size of the universe I find it easire to assume we are not alone. I've seen no proof one way or t'other. I am fairly convinced that it would not become public information should a visit actually occur.
i have a lot of scars on my body that are bilateral. i've joked that they must have been from the probes, and the transmitters they've inserted.

my wife will attest that i'm not from here. some planet where everyone's always wrong.
It is funny as I did a high school term paper on this very subject. Now I went about finding a batch of books from various sources including the ex major that headed up project blue book at that time. Now I was convinced it was all science fiction till I started doing the research and by the time I was done my opinion had changed completely. Oh and I got an A on the term paper one of the few I got in high school.

Now I've never seen one nor have I ever talked to any one that says they have. So I answered Um Maybe as I flat don't know for sure. Now I believe not only that there is life in the universe but it would almost impossible to believe other wise. Now have they visited the little insignificant planet I don't know but their is some possible historical evidence that suggest it is the case.

I also believe we will find life in our solar system though not in a higher form such a man or dolphin. Saturn and Jupiter both have moons that possibly could support life under the miles of ice that covers them. At any rate at this point I will keep and open mind and simply hope if we do make contact it isn't as Robin Williams described on one his albums. The aliens landed and were not happy little green guys at all, they where 10' tall and pissed.

I do beleive in UFOs, but there seems to be one point that everyone is missing. An UFO is simply an Unidentified Flying Object. That could mean anything, not just some flying saucer from another planet.
Could be a weather balloon....
Moonlight reflecting off swamp gas...

Look into the red light, please...

I do beleive in UFOs, but there seems to be one point that everyone is missing. An UFO is simply an Unidentified Flying Object. That could mean anything, not just some flying saucer from another planet.
Could be a weather balloon....
Moonlight reflecting off swamp gas...

Look into the red light, please...

Like Balloon Boy?



I do beleive in UFOs, but there seems to be one point that everyone is missing. An UFO is simply an Unidentified Flying Object. That could mean anything, not just some flying saucer from another planet.
Could be a weather balloon....
Moonlight reflecting off swamp gas...

Look into the red light, please...

I didn't miss the point at all, Mav.

I do believe that life from other planets has been seen by people from this planet.

It's the stories about abduction and having been transported on board vehicles that I'm pretty skeptical about.

I saw one when I was delivering papers very early one morning. I saw what someone else had reported seeing through a telescope so somebody from some UFO organization (no idea the name of the group) came down from Pittsburgh to document my sighting. I never heard anything else on it.
I do know what I saw but it might have been from out of this world or something our military was doing no way to be positive of either possibility.
I voted ummm maybe because I do think its a definate possibility there is other life out there and I have seen something that I just could not explain nor could my father when I described to him exactly what I saw as I ran into the house.....
If there was proof of other life out there I definately think it would be something the government would try to keep hush hush, only because I think there are plenty of people out there that would just freak and create havoc for the rest of us!!
Just think back to War Of The Worlds done on the radio by Orsen Well's. That caused a major panic at the time. If they landed or the day they landed the world would change instantly.
for those who doubt, how would one explain the precision, large scale engineering of things like the nazca lines, the egyptian pyramids, and mayan temples?