DIY American Cheese


New member
To me, it sounds kind of strange to great cheese (colby) in order to make cheese...:ohmy:
interesting concept:whistling:
Let me know how it turns out.....


Pizza Chef
Super Site Supporter
I fail to comprehend the whole issue!

I buy / use Colby cheese.

I routinely make grilled cheese sandwiches with Colby cheese _without_ any of that nonsense. slice the cheese, put on bread, pan saute. perhaps ATK does not own knives, only a grater? they have no ability to slice Colby cheese so they invented _this/errr - _that__?
There's no "issue" here to comprehend.

It's just a simple recipe to duplicate American-style processed cheese without the preservatives.

In addition, just a fun thing to try if you feel like it. No one is forcing you to do it, & there's absolutely zero reason to bash the OP. Continue to enjoy your Colby.


New member
Sounds cool. I'll give it try sometime. There is something about the texture that those who love American cheese can't find in regular cheese. I use it for cheese soups and sauces that I want to remain creamy. Yes, there is a difference. Thanks for the link!

Mr. Green Jeans

New member
DW worked at a cheese processing company out of college that was eventually bought out and closed by a firm that starts with the letter K. Their version of American was made with all the returned out of date packaged cheese you know the moldy stuff in bloated packages LOL! I'll make my own thank you very much.