🌹 Still trying to get it right.
I bought a digital scale that has gram, ounce and pound & ounce options. I am having a heck of a time figuring out the Lb & oz readings for some reason. For example a reading of: 1 lb:2.6 oz - so what is that weight? (Why is there a colon between the lb and oz and then a decimal?)
Would it be 1 and 1/4 pounds (like on a package of meat you get from the store - 1.25 = 1lb + 4oz) or is it 1 lb 2 oz? And is the .6 a percentage to the next oz? I have asked my hub and my daughter and get different answers.
I feel like a complete idiot!! I have an old scale thats spring loaded - you put the whatever on top plate, it goes down from the weight and the little red metal indicator moves over. Looks alot like a rulers increments 1lb (all the measures in between) 2lb (in between measures) 3lb and so on. Easy to know if it was close to 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 lb and such.
Would it be 1 and 1/4 pounds (like on a package of meat you get from the store - 1.25 = 1lb + 4oz) or is it 1 lb 2 oz? And is the .6 a percentage to the next oz? I have asked my hub and my daughter and get different answers.
I feel like a complete idiot!! I have an old scale thats spring loaded - you put the whatever on top plate, it goes down from the weight and the little red metal indicator moves over. Looks alot like a rulers increments 1lb (all the measures in between) 2lb (in between measures) 3lb and so on. Easy to know if it was close to 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 lb and such.