City's barbecue rules rile residents

Deadly Sushi

Formerly The Giant Mojito
, Mich., June 30 (UPI) -- Residents of Highland Park, Mich., said a new set of stringent barbecuing regulations taking effect just in time for July Fourth are unlikely to be followed.

The City Council's "barbecue ordinance," which passed June 15 and took effect Tuesday, states: "Placement of any barbecue cooking or equipment ... in the front of a dwelling, on a front porch, or on the side of a dwelling shall not be permitted in the city," The Detroit News reported Tuesday.

"For a corner dwelling or building, any barbecue equipment must be 12 feet away from a public right of way," the ordinance reads. The document also bans using barbecue equipment in fenced yards that are within 20 feet of a public right of way.

The ordinance states that violations could result in 90-day jail sentences and/or a $500 fine.

"They do this just before the Fourth of July? That's crazy," resident Charlie Collins, 57, said of the new rules.

Another resident, Deborah Toliver, 57, said she does not believe people will pay much attention to the ordinance.

"People are not going to stop barbecuing in Highland Park -- trust me," she said.
Yes me too, since no one has yet decided on what BBQ is. I think it could be smoked or grilled and even produced in your home in a kitchen. My kitchen would not meet those standards since we live in a 54' x 29' building with my stove/oven about 10' from a public fairway. These people are idiots period.
we have something of the samething here ....
but it makes sense .. there are a ton of condos in the area ..
and you cannot have a grill/ open flame if you have a structure within
10 feet above you ...
or a live christmas tree if you live in a condo ...
I lived in a apartment complex with wood balconies. I went out on a Sunday and came back.... a whole building was burnt down because of grilling. Thank God it wasnt MY building!