Cell Phone Etiquette (Poll)

(multiple choice)Where should folks practice more cell phone etiquette?

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Gimme an Other=all of the above, too.

A new pasttime of mine is to stand near people who are blathering on
on their cell phone, and be obvious about listening to them!
Poor things, most don't know what to do.... They are aware that they
can't really tell me to go away, since we are in public... and THEY can't go
away, since they are generally in line or stuck someplace stationery....

It's a cell phone etiquette dead zone, hahahahaha!
I voted for everything except public transportation and public restrooms. Personally, it doesn't bother me in those two places or interrupt what I'm doing.
i voted everything, too.

i've been really tempted several times to get involved in conversations with loud people on cell phones. i mean, if i have to listen to them, i might as well give my opinion on their idiocy.
I hate it when people talk on their cells when they're going through the checkout line at the grocery store. There's usually a line of people waiting, and the cell phone talker is using one hand to load their groceries onto the counter, one hand to load their bags into the buggy, one hand to dig through their purses (sorry, but it's usually a female :(). It's just rude to those who are standing in line behind waiting, and it's rude to the checker.
OK, now that I got me started, I hate the calls that they have to explain every tiny little detail. "Yes honey, on the desktop click email" "No honey the little blue hawk looking thingy" "OK, now wait till it downloads" "Isn't that the funniest cat caption you have ever seen":bonk::bonk::bonk:
I hate it when people talk on their cells when they're going through the checkout line at the grocery store. There's usually a line of people waiting, and the cell phone talker is using one hand to load their groceries onto the counter, one hand to load their bags into the buggy, one hand to dig through their purses (sorry, but it's usually a female :(). It's just rude to those who are standing in line behind waiting, and it's rude to the checker.

I have seen signs "no cellphone use at the checkout", when I asked if it was because they were taking too long she said no, people are using video to capture peoples debit card number and pin.
i've been really tempted several times to get involved in conversations with loud people on cell phones. i mean, if i have to listen to them, i might as well give my opinion on their idiocy.
:yum::yum::yum: I actually did this once. I was in a hospital waiting room (for hours) and some lady was talking about her no-good BIL, who was MIA while the lady's sister was in the hospital giving birth. Apparently, the wife had been trying to call him and it kept going to voice mail, then a woman answered! When she said that, I was so so worked up I said "Oh, no she didn't!" The woman on the phone looked surprised and I was embarrassed and then she said, to the person she was talking to, "See? Even the people in the waiting room think this is s***!"
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Wow Lefty, I never thought of that one.

In general, the telephone has always exercised a priority over face to face conversation, even before cell phones. Remember "Hey! Gramma is calling and it is long distance".

Cell phones have capitalized on that priority. I have had customers ask for and receive) time off the bill due to me being on the cell phone on their time. It taught me a gooood lesson. Younger folk seem to be better able to resist answering the phone when it rings. Then again, they are good at ignoring those around them when they choose to answer.

Cell phone etiquette is something needing vast improvement.

Oh! Yes! all of the above.
LOL FM...I tried to give you karma on that one!!!

I chose other because a few places bother me...first I say while driving...I know its also a safety hazard but I think its also about etiquette. I also hate grocery shopping and being stuch behind someones cart while they stroll and chat on the phone....grrr!
LOL FM...I tried to give you karma on that one!!!

I chose other because a few places bother me...first I say while driving...I know its also a safety hazard but I think its also about etiquette. I also hate grocery shopping and being stuch behind someones cart while they stroll and chat on the phone....grrr!

i sent it for yah hun.lol
I checked all. I'm cool with most public cell phone users as long as they don't talk loud.
I have the habit of covering my mouth and phone with my free hand as I talk so as to not bother anyone. Perhaps that's my Asian gene.
I checked all. I'm cool with most public cell phone users as long as they don't talk loud.
I have the habit of covering my mouth and phone with my free hand as I talk so as to not bother anyone. Perhaps that's my Asian gene.

good to see you posting... i was worried about you as soon as the quakes hit around you...
good to see you posting... i was worried about you as soon as the quakes hit around you...

Thanks Bam! We got the very end of the seismic wave so it felt very gentle, but still significant motion.....and I had just poured concrete columns the day before for my pizza oven project. They were all ok when I returned home from work.
I hate it when people talk on their cells when they're going through the checkout line at the grocery store. There's usually a line of people waiting, and the cell phone talker is using one hand to load their groceries onto the counter, one hand to load their bags into the buggy, one hand to dig through their purses (sorry, but it's usually a female :(). It's just rude to those who are standing in line behind waiting, and it's rude to the checker.

I gave you karma, Cooksie! You voiced my biggest pet peeve, however, I also agree with Deelady about driving. So many are blathering on the phone, not paying any attention to traffic around them. I've had SOOOOOO many pull out from a stop sign, right in front of me, and probably didn't know I was even there. I guess phones up to your face double as blinders, I dunno. :whistling:

i voted everything, too.

i've been really tempted several times to get involved in conversations with loud people on cell phones. i mean, if i have to listen to them, i might as well give my opinion on their idiocy.

Maybe we should all do this at every opportunity! :brows:
Or, make a game of making insane replies to them until the get annoyed and move somewhere else! :whistling:
I voted for them all, too. I hate them and don't own one.

I don't think they should EVER be used in public unless it's an emergency. When I did have one, I kept it in my car (off) in case I broke down. If I get one again, that's just what I'll do.

I know what you mean, Lee. Cell phones have changed my life, though. Before I got one, I would have to stay at home near the phone so the kids could call me when they needed a ride home or whatever. Also, I was anxious every time I had to be out for an extended period because I was afraid some crisis or another was happening at home - and it usually was. However, I don't talk on my phone out in public or while driving.

Actually, this thread demonstrates another good reason for texting. It's quiet and doesn't disturb others around you.
Hard to answer...so many "situations"
I'm of the type...I think phone calls should be "private". If I'm in a public place....and I have to make/take a call, I try to slip off to the side somewhere...so I'm not annoying anyone. As, I find it annoying when someone is say...standing in line at the grocery store..yacking away loudly.

But in the poll, I checked "meetings". When I go to a meeting, I put my phone on silent mode. Drives me nuts when someones phone interrupts a meeting. Show some respect, eh?
I can't stand to see automobile drivers using phones. IMO they have little to no driving talent to begin with and the phones make them especially dangerous. Most of all I can't tolerate cell users in restaurants where for some strange reason all conversation is done at double the normal decibel output of face to face conversation. I love the previous reply suggesting that one should get involved in the conversation. I'll be trying it soon.

Obnoxiously yours,
While driving, in restaurants AND restrooms is what gets me.

-Just the other day a woman (who did NOT have the right of way) at a 4 way stop--proceeded to drive right through, whilst yakking away and laughing on her phone.
It's almost like she was oblivious to her surroundings because she was involved in that all important conversation.

-People who dine with a bluetooth in their ear, and sit there and talk while eating.
SHUT UP, EAT, THEN return the call!

- who the hell takes a call while they are on the john?
Don't know about you, but my restroom time is off limits to anyone of anything else! weeeee!
Thanks for reading.:yum: