Captain Freed from Pirated ship

There pirates dead. The only survivor was on the Bainbridge negotiating. I bet he was surprised when the negotiations ended.

You go seals.
Nice to see the Seals go in there and do what needed doing. These pirates have had it too easy for too long with companies just handing over the ransom as an easy way out. (Brit or European companies no doubt!)

Way to go Seals!
I have a feeling we will be seeing some precision bombing over the next few days too in Somalia if you get my drift.
Fantastic news. The problem is that there are people on our own soil who wish to take away the weapons from all people to protect themselves. When this happens, only the criminals will have weapons.

As for me and mine, we will continue to cling to our Bible and our guns. Amen!
Well Joe you can keep your bible and gun as far as this liberal is concerned. Where we disagree is armor piercing rounds and fully automatic weapons, that is unless you want to but the same for the police, the people paid to protect us.
Well Joe you can keep your bible and gun as far as this liberal is concerned. Where we disagree is armor piercing rounds and fully automatic weapons, that is unless you want to but the same for the police, the people paid to protect us.
I understand your position, and actually agree that they are not necessary for personal protection or recreational shooting and legal hunting. Sadly, the bad guys will always have fully automatic weapons as well as the armor piercing rounds. Laws mean nothing to them. The proponents of disarming this country somehow think the bad guys will not be able to get this stuff. It's already illegal to own fully automatic weapons, yet the bad guys have all that they want, and will always be able to get them. After all, it's in their MOS. The do-gooders rationale is not rooted in reality, and would take away our Second Amandment right to keep and bear arms. Scary stuff, IMHO, when you screw with the Constitution.
Now screwing with the Constitution is scary to me, hence the last eight years of it. At any rate I also agree but we still need to cut of the flow of these types of weapons to the "bad guys" and I've never had a problem with people own guns or protecting themselves. Now with that said as some one that did depend on a weapon to protect myself for 3 years I don't see the need for this stuff in any ones hands regardless of what they claim to need. I could take you out with a .22 short at close range or a 12 gage shot gun at 50 yards, and up to a mile with a good hunting rifle so why would I need a machine gun and armor piecing bullets. Any one caught with that stuff ought be under the jail not in it. Just my opinion as one of the more violent people on this planet. Military and Police is a different matter unless that is what scares you then good luck and don't get caught with it.
Great news! I've been following this story closely, and without getting too political, I'm very glad to hear that the SEALs were finally sent where the FBI had no business going...