New member
Here you go guys makes me proud of the seals.
I understand your position, and actually agree that they are not necessary for personal protection or recreational shooting and legal hunting. Sadly, the bad guys will always have fully automatic weapons as well as the armor piercing rounds. Laws mean nothing to them. The proponents of disarming this country somehow think the bad guys will not be able to get this stuff. It's already illegal to own fully automatic weapons, yet the bad guys have all that they want, and will always be able to get them. After all, it's in their MOS. The do-gooders rationale is not rooted in reality, and would take away our Second Amandment right to keep and bear arms. Scary stuff, IMHO, when you screw with the Constitution.Well Joe you can keep your bible and gun as far as this liberal is concerned. Where we disagree is armor piercing rounds and fully automatic weapons, that is unless you want to but the same for the police, the people paid to protect us.
Yup, and the pirates need to be thrown to the sharks!!