Boy am I having Fun!


New member
I am having minor surgery tomorrow, so don't be surprised not to see me visiting for awhile.

I have had a cyst on my scalp for a number of years now. My family physicians [I have had two] have always told me not to worry about having it removed, cause they did not think it was necessary and it was not cancerous.

Well, the durn thing has grown to the extent that it is the size of a golf ball above my left ear; and has become an interference to my attempts to sleep at night.

So I finally got my doctor to recommend a surgeon to remove it. My surgeon told me yesterday that because I have waited so long, the cyst will require me to possibly need skin grafts when it is removed. The surgery will be more difficult as well.:bonk:

So off to the hospital I go tomorrow, and if everything goes right, I will be back home in the evening. I guess I will learn later if I have to have the dreaded skin grafts on my scalp.

Isn't life fun!
Aw sweetie pie, I knew something wasn't right and have been so concerned I even asked Gadz about you. I will keep you in my prayers and hope that a skin graft in the end is not necessary. Please stay in touch.
Best always, Susan
Leolady, you have my best wishes for a speedy recovery. It sounds like the new docs know what they are doing, and I'm sure that everything will be just fine.
LL- you'll get through it all and come home tomorrow, back on the shining road to health.
I'll be thinking about you dear. Hugs!
yeah, you'll be fine, ll. i'll put a word in with the big guy, just to be sure.

i got a cyst in my eye socket when i was young. they transplanted it to my back so i'd have a future in bell ringing...
Best wishes LL. Here's to a successful procedure and speedy recovery with no skin graft needed. Prayers on the way.
yeah, you'll be fine, ll. i'll put a word in with the big guy, just to be sure.

i got a cyst in my eye socket when i was young. they transplanted it to my back so i'd have a future in bell ringing...

I needed that laugh Bucky! You are just what the doctor ordered!:lol:

I should say I am so smart I am growing another head so that my extra super large brain won't feel crowded!
Hmmm, fun in the hospital--are you hoping to meet some cute doctor or male nurse? My mom had several during her last stay in the hospital. And, she liked it!
At least it will be gone for good! Think of that. No more worrying about it. YAY!! Hope you have a speedy healing time too!!
All of your good wishes my friends appear to have borne fruit!

I am home, the surgeon said no skin grafts would be needed, and since I am still high on happy juice -- no pain yet either but I am sleepy!

Thanks for being there for me my friends..........
All of your good wishes my friends appear to have borne fruit!

I am home, the surgeon said no skin grafts would be needed, and since I am still high on happy juice -- no pain yet either but I am sleepy!

Thanks for being there for me my friends..........

:thumb: ;)