Basic Ice Cream


New member
I haven't made this in years. I need to make another batch to see if I have the ratio of milk, cream, and eggs correct. If you go with closer to equal amounts of milk and cream (or use half-and-half), and/or add more eggs, you will change the texture of the finished ice cream. My first attempt, about 9 years ago, actually gave me something close to gelato in texture.

The Mint Choc. Chip, Cookies and Cream, and Butter Brickle are great!

Basic Ice Cream
Yields: ~ 1 gal

6 c milk
1 pt cream
16 oz (2 c) sugar
2 whole eggs
1 T cornstarch

Standard custard method. Scald the milk. Sift sugar with cornstarch, then add eggs and mix until thoroughly combined. Temper egg/sugar mixture with hot mixture, then add egg/sugar mixture to hot. Return to heat, and bring to a boil (remember, we added cornstarch, so it won’t break)! Remove from heat, and chill overnight. Add flavorings where appropriate. Freeze according to ice cream maker directions.


Vanilla: Add 1 T + 2 t vanilla to hot mixture.
Vanilla Bean: Cut one vanilla pod in half. Scrape seeds into milk mixture, adding the pods. Simmer briefly. Remove pods before tempering, place pods in sugar container to store.
Cookies-n-Cream: Add 32 crumbled Oreo’s to ice cream before hardening.
Mint Chocolate Chip: Add ¼ c + 2 T Crème de Menthe to the milk. Proceed as normal. Add 1 c miniature chocolate chips to ice cream before ripening.
Butter Brickle: Melt 4 – 6 vanilla caramel squares in a small bowl in microwave with a little of the hot custard at the same time. Stir to mix thoroughly. Add to the hot custard and mix well. Add 10 oz toffee crumbles before ripening.
I like these recipes as a good standby, but love the ones with more cream in them than milk. Thank Stone Cold Creamery for that...